如何为 Kotlin 数据 class 中的 属性 设置 OpenAPI type/schema

How to set the OpenAPI type/schema for a property in a Kotlin data class

在使用 Kotlin 的 Microprofile / Quarkus 项目中有一个数据 class 和一个 Instant 类型的变量。

@Schema(name = "Vehicle", description = "POJO that represents a vehicle at a specific time.")
data class VehicleDTO(
    var time: Instant = Instant.EPOCH

问题是生成的 openapi 模式不代表 Instant 值的实际传输方式。


  type: object
      format: int32
      type: integer
      format: int64
      type: integer
      format: int64
      type: integer
      format: int32
      type: integer

我已经尝试注释数据 class 以使用实现字符串和类型字符串,但它没有改变任何东西。

@Schema(name = "Vehicle", description = "POJO that represents a vehicle at a specific time.")
data class VehicleDTO(
    @Schema(implementation = String::class, type = SchemaType.STRING)
    var time: Instant = Instant.EPOCH

问题是数据 classes 得到了一些特殊处理,并且您的注释放在 构造函数参数 .

您可以在数据 class 的生成 Java 代码中看到这一点。相关片段:

   name = "Vehicle",
   description = "POJO that represents a vehicle at a specific time."
public final class VehicleDTO {
   private Instant time;

   public final Instant getTime() {
      return this.time;

   public final void setTime(@NotNull Instant var1) {
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(var1, "<set-?>");
      this.time = var1;

   public VehicleDTO(@Schema(implementation = String.class,type = SchemaType.STRING) @NotNull Instant time) {
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(time, "time");
      this.time = time;

   // ...

您需要告诉 Kotlin 使用 use-site target:

@Schema(name = "Vehicle", description = "POJO that represents a vehicle at a specific time.")
data class VehicleDTO(
    @field:Schema(implementation = String::class, type = SchemaType.STRING)
    var time: Instant = Instant.EPOCH


   name = "Vehicle",
   description = "POJO that represents a vehicle at a specific time."
public final class VehicleDTO {
      implementation = String.class,
      type = SchemaType.STRING
   private Instant time;

   public final Instant getTime() {
      return this.time;

   public final void setTime(@NotNull Instant var1) {
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(var1, "<set-?>");
      this.time = var1;

   public VehicleDTO(@NotNull Instant time) {
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(time, "time");
      this.time = time;

   // ...