
How to generate a hashcode from object with two list containing the same type of objects


public class SomeClassA {
    private int a;
    private int b;

 public int hashCode() {
    final int prime = 31;
    int result = 1;
    result = prime * result + a;
    result = prime * result + b;
    return result;


public class SomeClassB {
  List<SomeClassA> firstList;
  List<SomeClassA> secondList;

如果两个对象在 firstList 中具有相同的对象而在 secondList 中具有相同的对象,我如何构建哈希码以便将它们视为相等。


 public int hashCode() {
    final int prime = 31;
    int result = 1;
    result = prime * result + firstList.hashCode();
    result = prime * result + secondList.hashCode();
    return result;