镜头库中Traversable[]和Applicative Maybe的使用效果

Using effect of Traversable [] and Applicative Maybe in lens library


y = [
  fromList([("c", 1 ::Int)]),
  fromList([("c", 5)]),
  fromList([("d", 20)])

我可以用它来更新每个 "c":

y & mapped . at "c" . mapped  %~ (+ 1)
-- [fromList [("c",2)], fromList [("c",6)], fromList [("d",20)]]


Only update, iff all the maps contain the key "c".


y & mysteryOp
-- [fromList [("c",1)], fromList [("c",5)], fromList [("d",20)]]
-- fail because third entry does not contain "c" as key


-- I want to map the content of the list

-- map over the structure and transform to [(Maybe Int)]

-- I need to apply the operation, which will avoid 

at "c"
-- I need to index into the key "c"


我看不出有什么方法可以把它写成一个简单的镜头组合器组合,但这是一个你可以从头开始写的遍历。如果每个映射都包含这样的键,它应该遍历 "c" 键的所有值,否则不遍历任何值。

我们可以从辅助函数开始 "maybe" 使用新键值更新映射,如果键不存在则 Maybe monad 失败。由于显而易见的原因,我们希望允许更新发生在任意函子中。也就是我们要一个函数:

maybeUpdate :: (Functor f, Ord k) => k -> (v -> f v) -> Map k v -> Maybe (f (Map k v))

那个签名清楚吗?我们检查密钥 k如果 找到了键,我们将 return Just 一个更新的映射,键的对应值 vf 中更新函子。 否则,如果没有找到key,我们returnNothing。我们可以用 monad 表示法很清楚地写这个,尽管如果我们只想使用 Functor f 约束,我们需要 ApplicativeDo 扩展:

maybeUpdate :: (Functor f, Ord k) => k -> (v -> f v) -> Map k v -> Maybe (f (Map k v))
maybeUpdate k f m = do            -- in Maybe monad
  v <- m ^. at k
  return $ do                     -- in "f" functor
    a <- f v
    return $ m & at k .~ Just a

或者,这些 "monadic actions" 实际上只是仿函数操作,因此可以使用此定义:

maybeUpdate' k f m =
  m ^. at k <&> \v -> f v <&> \a -> m & at k .~ Just a


traverseAll :: (Ord k) => k -> Traversal' [Map k v] v
traverseAll k f maps =

想法是,此遍历首先使用 maybeUpdate 帮助程序遍历 Maybe 应用程序上的地图列表:

traverse (maybeUpdate k f) maps :: Maybe [f (Map k v)]

如果此遍历成功(returns Just 一个列表),则找到所有键,我们可以对 f 应用操作进行排序:

sequenceA <$> traverse (maybeUpdate k f) maps :: Maybe (f [Map k v])


traverseAll k f maps = maybe (pure maps) id (sequenceA <$> traverse (maybeUpdate k f) maps)


y :: [Map String Int]
y = [
  fromList([("c", 1 ::Int)]),
  fromList([("c", 5)]),
  fromList([("d", 20)])
y2 :: [Map String Int]
y2 = [
  fromList([("c", 1 ::Int)]),
  fromList([("c", 5)]),
  fromList([("d", 20),("c",6)])


> y & traverseAll "c" %~ (1000*)
[fromList [("c",1)],fromList [("c",5)],fromList [("d",20)]]
> y2 & traverseAll "c" %~ (1000*)
[fromList [("c",1000)],fromList [("c",5000)],fromList [("c",6000),("d",20)]]

完全披露:我无法从头开始构建这样的 traverseAll。我从隐式身份应用程序中更愚蠢的 "traversal" 开始:

traverseAllC' :: (Int -> Int) -> [Map String Int] -> [Map String Int]
traverseAllC' f xall = maybe xall id (go xall)
  where go :: [Map String Int] -> Maybe [Map String Int]
        go (x:xs) = case x !? "c" of
          Just a -> (Map.insert "c" (f a) x:) <$> go xs
          Nothing -> Nothing
        go [] = Just []

一旦我弄好了 运行,我简化了它,使 Identity 明确:

traverseAllC_ :: (Int -> Identity Int) -> [Map String Int] -> Identity [Map String Int]



{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Data.Map (Map, fromList)
import Control.Lens

y :: [Map [Char] Int]
y = [
  fromList([("c", 1 ::Int)]),
  fromList([("c", 5)]),
  fromList([("d", 20)])
y2 :: [Map [Char] Int]
y2 = [
  fromList([("c", 1 ::Int)]),
  fromList([("c", 5)]),
  fromList([("d", 20),("c",6)])

traverseAll :: (Ord k) => k -> Traversal' [Map k v] v
traverseAll k f maps = maybe (pure maps) id (sequenceA <$> traverse (maybeUpdate k f) maps)

maybeUpdate :: (Functor f, Ord k) => k -> (v -> f v) -> Map k v -> Maybe (f (Map k v))
maybeUpdate k f m = do
  v <- m ^. at k
  return $ do
    a <- f v
    return $ m & at k .~ Just a

maybeUpdate' :: (Functor f, Ord k) => k -> (v -> f v) -> Map k v -> Maybe (f (Map k v))
maybeUpdate' k f m =
  m ^. at k <&> \v -> f v <&> \a -> m & at k .~ Just a

main = do
  print $ y & traverseAll "c" %~ (1000*)
  print $ y2 & traverseAll "c" %~ (1000*)



f y = res
  where (All c, res) = y 
                     & each %%~ (at "c" %%~ (Wrapped . is _Just &&& fmap (applyWhen c succ)))


f' y = under (anon y $ anyOf each (nullOf $ ix "c")) (mapped . mapped . ix "c" +~ 1) y