
Truth Table. Printing the sum of each True value for each row in the desired format

我能够对每行每个 True 语句的值求和,但我无法将其以列格式打印在结果旁边。

 `res = eval(exp)  # evaluate the logical input from the user
 print(res)  # this prints the result of the logical expression in a column format`

这部分代码根据用户输入计算我的逻辑表达式,并根据需要以列格式打印 True/False 结果。但是,我不知道如何以相同的格式显示每行真值的总和。在这段代码下面,我总结了每一行的真相 table,但只能让它打印在我的结果的底部。以下是我对每一行的总结。

    res = eval(exp)  # evaluate the logical input from the user
    print(res)  # this prints the result of the logical expression in a column format

        truth_sum = []  # I create this list
        for row in truth_table:  # I parse the each row in the truth table
            truth_sum.append(sum(row))  # and sum up each True statement
        print("Wrong Expression")
print(*truth_sum, sep="\n")  # This line is my problem.  I can't figure how to print this next to each result

如果我将 print(*truth_sum, sep="\n") 放在 except: 上方,它会在每个 Truth Table 行之后打印出来。我怎样才能在逻辑表达式列旁边打印出总和列表?这是我的完整代码,以便更好地理解。

`import itertools
truth_table = 0
val = 0
exp = ''
p1 = 0
p2 = 0
p3 = 0
p4 = 0
p5 = 0
p6 = 0
pos = 0

# This function takes care of taking users input
def get_input():
    global val
    while True:
            val = int(input("Please Enter the number of parameters, 1 - 5: "))
            if val < 1 or val > 5:
            print(f"Enter a value [0,6)")
        except ValueError:
            print(f"Only Numbers are Allowed, Try Again..")

# This function takes care of the Truth Table header
def table_header():
    print("========================TRUTH TABLE===============================")
    print("*" * 20 * val)

# This is the Main method
def main():
    # Global Variables
    global val
    global truth_table
    global exp
    global p1
    global p2
    global p3
    global p4
    global p5
    global pos

    # Call the userInput Function

    # Creating the truth table
    truth_table = list(itertools.product([True, False], repeat=val))
    exp = input("Enter a Logical Statement i.e [(p1 and p2) or p3]: [p1==p2==p3==...Pn:]:").lower()

    # printing Table Layout
    for par in truth_table:
        pos = 0
        if val == 1:
            p1 = par[0]
        elif val == 2:
            p1, p2 = par[0], par[1]
        elif val == 3:
            p1, p2, p3 = par[0], par[1], par[2]
        elif val == 4:
            p1, p2, p3, p4 = par[0], par[1], par[2], par[3]
            p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = par[0], par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4]
            pos = 0
        while pos < val:
            print(par[pos], end='\t\t')
            pos = pos + 1
            res = eval(exp)  # evaluate the logical input from the user
            print(res)  # this prints the result of the logical expression in a column format

            truth_sum = []  # I create this list
            for row in truth_table:  # I parse the each row in the truth table
                truth_sum.append(sum(row))  # and sum up each True statement
            print("Wrong Expression")
    print(*truth_sum, sep="\n")  # This line is my problem.  I can't figure how to print this next to 
                                   each result

if __name__ == "__main__":


`Please Enter the number of parameters, 1 - 5: 2
Enter a Logical Statement i.e [(p1 and p2) or p3]: [p1==p2==p3==...Pn:]:p1 and p2
========================TRUTH TABLE===============================
p1          p2          p3          p4          p5
True        True        True
True        False       False
False       True        False
False       False       False


我在此处编写了我为此任务编写的代码版本,避免了 eval() 方法(正如 Chris Doyle 所建议的)并采用了在打印任何内容之前将数据保存在 RAM 中的主要思想.这样你就可以随心所欲地打印了。

下面的代码是"minimized"为了看懂。因此有些东西不包括在内(例如 table header)。无论如何,您可以轻松添加它。

import itertools

# Hard-coded expression to evaluate the parameters of the truth table
EXPRESSION = lambda array: array[0] and array[1]
# function to count the total number of true in a row
TRUE_COUNTER = lambda array: sum([int(x==True) for x in array])

truth_table = list(itertools.product([True, False], repeat=PARAMETERS_NUMBER))

# array with the result of the truth table for each row
results = [EXPRESSION(row) for row in truth_table]
# array with the number of true for each parameter row
true_numbers = [TRUE_COUNTER(row) for row in truth_table]

# print the table
for row, result, true_number in zip(truth_table, results, true_numbers):
    print(row, result, true_number, "\n")
