将省略号中的对象名称作为字符串传递给 left_join

Passing names of objects from ellipsis as strings to left_join


我有一个简单的辅助函数,可以应用 left_join to any number of passed tables in other to gather 它们和 return 一个对象。


# Settings ----------------------------------------------------------------


# Data --------------------------------------------------------------------

sample_one <-
        column_a = c(1, 2),
        column_b = runif(n = 2),
        column_other = runif(n = 2)
sample_two <-
        column_a = c(1, 2),
        column_b = runif(n = 2),
        column_other = runif(n = 2)
sample_three <-
        column_a = c(1, 2),
        column_b = runif(n = 2),
        column_other = runif(n = 2)

# Function ----------------------------------------------------------------

left_join_on_column_a <- function(keep_var, ...) {
    keep_var <- enquo(keep_var)
    dots <- list(...)
    clean_dfs <- map(dots, select, !!keep_var, "column_a")
    reduce(.x = clean_dfs,
           .f = left_join,
           "column_a") %>%
        gather(key = "model_type", !!keep_var, -column_a)

# Test --------------------------------------------------------------------

left_join_on_column_a(keep_var = column_b, sample_one, sample_two, sample_three)


我希望能够以编程方式修改 suffix 参数 left_join:

suffix If there are non-joined duplicate variables in x and y, these suffixes will be added to the output to disambiguate them. Should be a character vector of length 2.


# A tibble: 6 x 3
  column_a model_type column_b
     <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
1        1 column_b.x   0.288 
2        2 column_b.x   0.788 
3        1 column_b.y   0.940 
4        2 column_b.y   0.0456
5        1 column_b     0.551 
6        2 column_b     0.457 


# A tibble: 6 x 3
  column_a model_type      column_b
     <dbl> <chr>            <dbl>
1        1 sample_one       0.288 
2        2 sample_one       0.788 
3        1 sample_two       0.940 
4        2 sample_two       0.0456
5        1 sample_three     0.551 
6        2 sample_three     0.457 

model_type 列反映了通过 ... 传递的对象的名称。


我试图捕获在 ... 中传递的对象的名称,但它不是命名对象,因此没有意义:

left_join_on_column_a <- function(keep_var, ...) {
    keep_var <- enquo(keep_var)
    dots <- list(...)
    table_names <- names(dots)
    clean_dfs <- map(dots, select, !!keep_var, "column_a")
    reduce(.x = clean_dfs,
           .f = left_join,
           table_names) %>%
        gather(key = "model_type", !!keep_var, -column_a)

也许重命名 column_b 这样您就不必担心后缀

left_join_on_column_a <- function(keep_var, common_var, ...) {
    nm = unname(sapply(rlang::enexprs(...), as.character))
    keep_var <- as.character(substitute(keep_var))
    common_var = as.character(substitute(common_var))

    foo = function(x, y) {
        x %>% select(!!common_var, !!y := !!keep_var)

    reduce(.x = Map(foo, list(...), nm),
           .f = left_join,
           common_var) %>%
        gather("model_type", !!keep_var, -!!common_var)

left_join_on_column_a(column_b, column_a, sample_one, sample_two, sample_three)