TypeScript 中循环类型之间的映射

Mapping Between Circular Types in TypeScript

这个问题是关于静态推断运行时类型的签名(见于 zod and io-ts 等库)。

可以在 this TS playground link.


假设我们正在尝试为运行时使用的某些类型信息建模。我们可以声明以下 Type 枚举来让我们开始:

enum Type {
  Boolean = "Boolean",
  Int = "Int",
  List = "List",
  Union = "Union",



interface Codec<T extends Type> {
  type: T;



class BooleanCodec implements Codec<Type.Boolean> {
  type = Type.Boolean as const;


class IntCodec implements Codec<Type.Int> {
  type = Type.Int as const;


class UnionCodec<C extends Codec<Type>> implements Codec<Type.Union> {
  type = Type.Union as const;
  constructor(public of: C[]) {}


class ListCodec<C extends Codec<Type>> implements Codec<Type.List> {
  type = Type.List as const;
  constructor(public of: C) {}


const listOfBooleanOrIntCodec = new ListCodec(
  new UnionCodec([
    new BooleanCodec(),
    new IntCodec(),


  type: Type.List,
  of: {
    type: Type.Union,
    of: [
        type: Type.Boolean,
        type: Type.Int,

此编解码器将带有 ListCodec<UnionCodec<BooleanCodec | IntCodec>> 的签名。

我们甚至可能在给定的编解码器中看到循环,因此,映射类型签名变得很棘手。我们如何从上面得到 (boolean | number)[]?它是否考虑了编解码器的深度嵌套?

对于 BooleanCodecIntCodec,向后工作相当容易...但是 UnionCodecListCodec 解码需要递归。我尝试了以下方法:

type Decode<C extends Codec<Type>> =
  // if it's a list
  C extends ListCodec<Codec<Type>>
    ? // and we can infer what it's a list of
      C extends ListCodec<infer O>
      ? // and the elements are of type codec
        O extends Codec<Type>
        ? // recurse to get an array of the element(s') type
        : never
      : never
    : // if it's a union
    C extends UnionCodec<Codec<Type>>
    // and we can infer what it's a union of
    ? C extends UnionCodec<infer U>
      // and it's a union of codecs
      ? U extends Codec<Type>
        // recurse to return that type (which will be inferred as the union)
        ? Decode<U>
        : never
      : never
      // if it's a boolean codec
    : C extends BooleanCodec
    // return the boolean type
    ? boolean
    // if it's ant integer codec
    : C extends IntCodec
    // return the number type
    ? number
    : never;

遗憾的是 Type alias 'Decode' circularly references itselfType 'Decode' is not generic 错误。

我想知道是否有可能完成这种循环类型映射,以及如何使 Decode 这样的实用程序工作?任何帮助将不胜感激。谢谢!



type Type = Integer | List<any> | Union<any>;
interface Integer {
  type: 'integer';
interface List<T extends Type> {
  type: 'list';
  item: T;
type UnionValues = Type[];
interface Union<T extends UnionValues> {
  type: 'union';
  values: T;


const integer: Integer = { type: 'integer' };
const list = <T extends Type>(item: T): List<T> => ({
  type: 'list',
const union = <T extends UnionValues>(...values: T): Union<T> => ({
  type: 'union',

然后您可以编写递归类型映射函数。这会将 Type 映射到其对应的 JS 类型:

type Decode<T> =
  // terminal recursion: Integer is represented as a number
  T extends Integer ? number :
  // extract the Item from the list and construct an Array recursively
  T extends List<infer I> ? Decode<I>[] :
  // union is an array of types, so loop through and decode them
  T extends Union<infer U> ? {
    [i in Extract<keyof U, number>]: Decode<U[i]>;
  }[[Extract<keyof U, number>]] :

将您的编解码器定义为从 Type => Value:

interface Codec<T extends Type, V> {
  type: T;
  read(value: any): V;


function codec<T extends Type>(type: T): Codec<T, Decode<T>> {
  // todo

现在您可以安全地在类型系统和 JS 类型之间进行映射:

const i = codec(integer);
const number: number = i.read('1');

const l = codec(list(integer));
const numberArray: number[] = l.read('[1, 2]');

const u = codec(union(integer, list(integer)));
const numberOrArrayOfNumbers: number | number[] = u.read('1');


整数编解码器是整数 -> 数字的直接映射。

class IntegerCodec implements Codec<Integer, number> {
  public readonly type: Integer = integer;

  public read(value: any): number {
    return parseInt(value, 10);

ListCodec 递归计算 List -> ItemValue[] 的映射

namespace Codec {
  // helper type function for grabbing the JS type from a Codec<any, any>
  export type GetValue<C extends Codec<any, any>> = C extends Codec<any, infer V> ? V : never;
// this is where we recurse and compute the Type and JSType from the provided Item codec
class ListCodec<Item extends Codec<any, any>> implements Codec<List<Item['type']>, Codec.GetValue<Item>[]> {
  public readonly type: List<Item['type']>;
  constructor(public readonly item: Item)  {
    this.type = list(item.type);

  public read(value: any): Codec.GetValue<Item>[] {
    return value.map((v: any) => this.item.read(v));



type ComputeUnionType<V extends Codec<any, any>[]> = Union<Type[] & {
  [i in Extract<keyof V, number>]: V[i]['type']

第二个实用程序:从编解码器元组计算联合 JS 类型:

type ComputeUnionValue<V extends Codec<any, any>[]> = {
  [i in Extract<keyof V, number>]: Codec.GetValue<V[i]>;
}[Extract<keyof V, number>];

然后我们写一个 UnionCodec 递归计算一个 Union 的 Type 和 JS Type:

class UnionCodec<V extends Codec<any, any>[]> implements Codec<
> {
  public readonly type: ComputeUnionType<V>;

  constructor(public readonly codecs: V) {}
  public read(value: any): ComputeUnionValue<V> {
    throw new Error("Method not implemented.");


const ic = new IntegerCodec();
const lc: ListCodec<IntegerCodec> = new ListCodec(new IntegerCodec());
const uc: UnionCodec<[ListCodec<IntegerCodec>, IntegerCodec]> = new UnionCodec([lc, ic]);

const listValue: number | number[] = uc.read('1');