运行 DQSinstaller.exe 时失败并显示以下说明 为什么?

while runing DQSinstaller.exe it fails with following description why?

我已经安装了sql server 2017 和 SSMS 2017 但是当我 运行 dqsintaller.exe 它失败并出现错误 如下


[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm]      * Clear the Code Member Table A_CODE_MEMBER.
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm] 
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm] (0 rows affected)
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm]  
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm]      * Clear the Code Group Table A_CODE_GROUP.
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm] 
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm] (0 rows affected)
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm]  
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm]      * Register assemblies T-SQL executable objects
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm]         - Creating assemblies T-SQL registeration stored procedure.
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm]  
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm]      * Creating the internal_core schema
[16/03/2020 4:38:38 pm]         - Registering Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra T-SQL executable objects.
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] HResult 0x197A, Level 16, State 1
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "RegisterAssembly": 
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Ssdqs.Core.Startup.ServerInit' threw an exception. ---> Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra.Exceptions.ServerException: Failed to initialize configuration. ---> Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra.Log.LogMessageFormatException: Failed to init log configuration. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The locale identifier (LCID) 8192 is not supported by SQL Server.
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.EventSink.DispatchMessages(Boolean ignoreNonFatalMessages)
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReaderSmi.InternalNextResult(Boolean ignoreNonFatalMessages)
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReaderSmi.NextResult()
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderSmi(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream)
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean& usedCache, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry)
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra.Database.DBAccess.ExecCommand()
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra.Database.Dao.DaoControllerBase`5.Execute()
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra.Log.LLogger.InitLogWriter()
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra.Log.LLogger.InitConfiguration()
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra.Log.LogMessageFormatException: 
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra.Log.LLogger.InitConfiguration()
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm]    at Microsoft.Ss...
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] 
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] 
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] ERROR - An error occured, check message above
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] 
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] 
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] Script process returned unexpected exit code: '1'.
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] Action 'Register data quality assemblies and stored procedures' finished with errors, aborting installation.
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] Starting installation rollback...
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] Installation rollback completed successfully.
[16/03/2020 4:38:40 pm] DQS Installer finished with errors. Please see installation log file at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\DQS_install.log

更改区域 ID 和区域名称后,我已成功安装 DQS 服务器。但是当我在 DQS 客户端应用程序中将服务器作为本地服务器输入时,它又出现了同样的错误,请看下面的快照

经过 3 天的搜索和实施不同的技术,我得出 solution.The 解决方案非常简单但很棘手


然后 运行 按照命令

WMIC current useraccount get name,sid

然后 运行 注册表编辑器并转到

HKEY_USER -> SID_as_Folder_Name -> 控制面板 -> 国际

在那里你会看到你的语言环境和 LocaleName 根据你的本地你必须根据 SQL 服务器语言环境改变它就像在我的情况下我 cahnged Locale = 1LocaleName = en-US .

然后卸载服务器并在 运行ning 命令安装之前重新安装服务器 DSQinstaller.exe 转到服务和 select SQL 服务器服务

右键单击它并转到属性 Select 登录选项卡和 select 本地系统帐户单选选项。

然后 运行 以管理员身份运行 CMD 并找到您的 DQSinstaller 位置,在我的情况下是

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn


DQSInstaller.exe –upgradedlls –instance MSSQLSERVER

安装完成后打开 DSQ 客户端应用程序,如果您仍然收到我问题详细信息中提到的错误 运行 在找到您的 SQL 服务器实例后在 cmd 中执行以下命令 运行 遵循命令

DQSInstaller.exe -upgradedlls

完成升级后,您将能够成功连接到 DQS。