传递给 CPP 中的函数时 { } 是什么?

What is { } when passed to a function in CPP?

map insert 函数以 {string,int} 作为参数。这是如何工作的?

#include <map>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *arg[])
    map<string, int> m;

    m.insert({"a", 1});

{"a", 1} 是一个 braced-init-list,当传递给函数时,copy-list-initialization(在 C++11 中引入)是执行。

function( { arg1, arg2, ... } )   (7)

7) in a function call expression, with braced-init-list used as an argument and list-initialization initializes the function parameter

给定 map<string, int> m;m.insert({"a", 1});std::map::insert expectes a std::pair<const string, int>; therefore {"a", 1} is used to initialize a temporary std::pair which is passed to .insert(). The temporary std::pair is initialized by its constructor;将其成员 first 初始化为 "a" 并将 second 初始化为 1.