为什么 Async.Sequential 没有按预期工作(但在 FSI 中工作)?

Why Async.Sequential doesn't work as expected (but works in FSI)?

open System
open System.Net

let fetchUrlAsync url = 
    async {
        Console.WriteLine(sprintf "Fetch <%s>" url)
        let req = WebRequest.Create(Uri(url)) 
        use! resp = req.AsyncGetResponse()   
        use stream = resp.GetResponseStream() 
        use reader = new IO.StreamReader(stream) 
        let html = reader.ReadToEnd() 
        Console.WriteLine(sprintf "finished downloading %s. Length = %i" url html.Length)

let main argv =
    ["http://bing.com"; "http://ya.ru"; "http://google.com"]
    |> List.map fetchUrlAsync
    |> Async.Sequential
    |> Async.Ignore
    |> Async.RunSynchronously


Fetch <http://bing.com>
Fetch <http://ya.ru>
Fetch <http://google.com>
finished downloading http://google.com. Length = 50592
finished downloading http://ya.ru. Length = 20541
finished downloading http://bing.com. Length = 81386

我不期望这样的输出(但也许我的期望有误)。但是,如果我 运行 在 F# interactive 中使用相同的代码,则输出是(如我所料):

Fetch <http://bing.com>
finished downloading http://bing.com. Length = 81386
Fetch <http://ya.ru>
finished downloading http://ya.ru. Length = 20544
Fetch <http://google.com>
finished downloading http://google.com. Length = 50561

为什么 运行从 Rider(控制台应用程序)和 F# Interactive 运行 时代码的行为不同?如果第一个输出是正确的,那么 Async.Sequential 和 Async.Parallel 有什么区别?如果第一个输出不正确,那么如何解决?

目前,Async.Sequential 仅实现为:

static member Sequential computations = 
    Async.Parallel(computations, maxDegreeOfParallelism=1)

虽然 the RFC allows this,但预计会 运行 顺序。 已经 discovered to be a bug. And it has been fixed by #7596

该修复程序现在仅在 VS 上发布。但它还没有在主线 FSharp.Core nuget 提要中。

The only way to get the fix currently is through VS2019 16.4 FSI.

这就是为什么您会看到它在 FSI 中可以正常工作,但在您编译的应用程序中却不能。

