为什么 SonarQube 会对 ARM Cortex-M3 的 "startup" 代码提出 MISRA-C 批评意见 <<Function names should be used either as a call [...]>>?

Why does SonarQube raise a MISRA-C critical remark <<Function names should be used either as a call [...]>> on the "startup" code for ARM Cortex-M3?


我在用 C 语言为 ARM Cortex-M3 实现启动代码时遇到了以下 SonarQube 评论 (MISRA-C:2012):

Function names should be used either as a call with a parameter list or with the "&" operator


Using a "bald" function name is likely a bug. Rather than testing the return value of a function with a void parameter list, it implicitly retrieves the address of that function in memory. If that's truly what's intended, then it should be made explicit with the use of the & (address-of) operator. If it's not, then a parameter list (even an empty one) should be added after the function name.


armclang V6.12, with Language C99

SonarQube 的版本是:

Version 6.7 (build 33306)

SonarQube 评论是在 Vector Table 数组内的 Reset_Handler 的引用上提出的。 (见下方代码)


  Exception / Interrupt Handler Function Prototype
typedef void (*pFunc)(void);

  External References
extern uint32_t __INITIAL_SP;

extern __NO_RETURN void __PROGRAM_START(void);

  Internal References
__NO_RETURN void Default_Handler(void);
__NO_RETURN void Reset_Handler(void);

  Exception / Interrupt Handler
/* Exceptions */
void NMI_Handler            (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Default_Handler")));
void HardFault_Handler      (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Default_Handler")));
void MemManage_Handler      (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Default_Handler")));
void BusFault_Handler       (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Default_Handler")));
void UsageFault_Handler     (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Default_Handler")));
void SVC_Handler            (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Default_Handler")));
void DebugMon_Handler       (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Default_Handler")));
void PendSV_Handler         (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Default_Handler")));
void SysTick_Handler        (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Default_Handler")));
  Exception / Interrupt Vector table

extern const pFunc __VECTOR_TABLE[16];
       const pFunc __VECTOR_TABLE[16] __VECTOR_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE = {
  (pFunc)(&__INITIAL_SP),                   /*     Initial Stack Pointer */
  Reset_Handler,                            /*     Reset Handler <<<<<------ WHERE THE SONARQUBE REMARK IS */
  NMI_Handler,                              /* -14 NMI Handler */
  HardFault_Handler,                        /* -13 Hard Fault Handler */
  MemManage_Handler,                        /* -12 MPU Fault Handler */
  BusFault_Handler,                         /* -11 Bus Fault Handler */
  UsageFault_Handler,                       /* -10 Usage Fault Handler */
  0,                                        /*     Reserved */
  0,                                        /*     Reserved */
  0,                                        /*     Reserved */
  0,                                        /*     Reserved */
  SVC_Handler,                              /*  -5 SVCall Handler */
  DebugMon_Handler,                         /*  -4 Debug Monitor Handler */
  0,                                        /*     Reserved */
  PendSV_Handler,                           /*  -2 PendSV Handler */
  SysTick_Handler,                          /*  -1 SysTick Handler */

void Reset_Handler(void)
    SystemInit(); // CMSIS System Initialization
    __PROGRAM_START(); // Enter PreMain (C library entry point)

void Default_Handler(void)
    while (1) {
        __asm volatile(""); /* this line is considered to have side-effects */


- return 类型定义为 void,并且函数
也没有参数 - Vector Table 数组的类型是 "pFunc"
- Default_HandlerReset_Handler 都匹配函数指针定义的正确原型

如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。 :)



@Lundin 我发现了以下不合规代码的示例:

int func(void) {
  // ...

void f2(int a, int b) {
  // ...
  if (func) {  // Noncompliant - tests that the memory address of func() is non-null
  // ...


void f2(int a, int b) {
  // ...
  if (func()) {  // tests that the return value of func() > 0
  // ...


SonarQube 警告是在抱怨您在没有调用它的情况下使用函数的名称,怀疑您实际上打算调用它。



extern const pFunc __VECTOR_TABLE[16];
       const pFunc __VECTOR_TABLE[16] __VECTOR_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE = {
  (pFunc)(&__INITIAL_SP),                    /*     Initial Stack Pointer */
  &Reset_Handler,                            /*     Reset Handler */
  &NMI_Handler,                              /* -14 NMI Handler */
  &HardFault_Handler,                        /* -13 Hard Fault Handler */
  &MemManage_Handler,                        /* -12 MPU Fault Handler */
  &BusFault_Handler,                         /* -11 Bus Fault Handler */
  &UsageFault_Handler,                       /* -10 Usage Fault Handler */
  NULL,                                      /*     Reserved */
  NULL,                                       /*     Reserved */
  NULL,                                      /*     Reserved */
  NULL,                                      /*     Reserved */
  &SVC_Handler,                              /*  -5 SVCall Handler */
  &DebugMon_Handler,                         /*  -4 Debug Monitor Handler */
  NULL,                                      /*     Reserved */
  &PendSV_Handler,                           /*  -2 PendSV Handler */
  &SysTick_Handler,                          /*  -1 SysTick Handler */