寻找类似于 VS Code Remote Dev Extension Pack 的 IntelliJ Remote Dev 体验

Looking for IntelliJ Remote Dev experience similar to VS Code Remote Dev Extension Pack

VS Code 允许在远程计算机上使用源代码和源代码执行的本地开发体验:https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/remote-overview

是否有类似的工具可用于 IntelliJ? VSCode 扩展包不需要在本地挂载来自远程源的文件。它实际上在远程机器的后台运行一个服务器,并在您需要访问本地计算机上的 IDE 运行 时一次处理一个文件。

2021-11-04 更新: JetBrains 现在有 2 个 products/features 支持这种远程开发:

  • JetBrains 投影仪(ref
  • JetBrains 网关 (ref)


IntelliJ IDEA暂时没有这个功能,可以follow the corresponding feature request更新

引用blog post

We’re considering the possibility to extend the “thin client” approach to other scenarios beyond collaborative editing, such as running the IDE backend in the cloud, but we aren’t ready to announce specific plans in that area.