"send command" 和 "send -- command" 之间的期望有什么区别

what is the difference in expect between "send command" and "send -- command"

我看到一些例子,其中发送命令是用 send "echo test" 之类的东西发送的,在其他地方我看到 send 后跟 --。有什么区别?

send -- 用于发送以 - 开头的字符串,以防它可能被解释为 send 的选项。


The -- flag forces the next argument to be interpreted as a string rather than a flag. Any string can be preceded by -- whether or not it actually looks like a flag. This provides a reliable mechanism to specify variable strings without being tripped up by those that accidentally look like flags. (All strings starting with - are reserved for future options.)