如何更新状态发票 sdk paypal

How update status invoice sdk paypal

*/ 抱歉我的英语不好 */










use PayPal\Api\Address;
use PayPal\Api\BillingInfo;
use PayPal\Api\Cost;
use PayPal\Api\Currency;
use PayPal\Api\Invoice;
use PayPal\Api\InvoiceAddress;
use PayPal\Api\InvoiceItem;
use PayPal\Api\MerchantInfo;
use PayPal\Api\PaymentTerm;
use PayPal\Api\Phone;
use PayPal\Api\ShippingInfo;

$commerce = new Commerce();

$invoice = new Invoice();


class InfoClient extends BDD {

    public function getInfo($idTransaction)
        $data = array('ID_Transaction' => $idTransaction);

        $result = $this->sendJsonToNodeJS('Get_Info_Customer', null, $data);

        if( !isset($result->Erreur) || $result->Erreur == 0 ){
                return $result;

            return false;

$bdd = new InfoClient();

$idTransaction = "I-G6YMC7KHFB4N" ;
$detail = $bdd->getInfo($idTransaction) ;
$jsonPayment = $detail->resource;

// ### Invoice Info
// Fill in all the information that is
// required for invoice APIs
    ->setMerchantInfo(new MerchantInfo())
    ->setBillingInfo(array(new BillingInfo()))
    ->setNote("") // Note en bas de la facture
    ->setPaymentTerm(new PaymentTerm())
    ->setShippingInfo(new ShippingInfo());

// ### Merchant Info
// A resource representing merchant information that can be
// used to identify merchant
    ->setEmail("myAdressemail") // Modifier l'adresse par le compte qui à paypal
    ->setFirstName("") // Définire qqch ?
    ->setLastName("") // Définire qqch ?
    ->setPhone(new Phone())
    ->setAddress(new Address()); // Modifier adresse

    ->setCountryCode("001") // ???
    ->setNationalNumber[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]); // ???

// ### Address Information
// The address used for creating the invoice

// ### Billing Information
// Set the email address for each billing
$billing = $invoice->getBillingInfo();

$billing[0]->setBusinessName($jsonPayment->payer->payer_info->shipping_address->recipient_name) // Info qui à sur la page de paypal à modifier mais mettre quoi ?
    ->setAdditionalInfo("") // Info qui à sur la page de paypal facture à modifier mais mettre quoi ?
    ->setAddress(new InvoiceAddress());


// ### Items List
// You could provide the list of all items for
// detailed breakdown of invoice
$items = array();
$items[0] = new InvoiceItem();
    ->setQuantity(1) // TODO RECUPERER la quantité !!!!!!
    ->setUnitPrice(new Currency());


// #### Tax Item
// You could provide Tax information to each item.
$tax = new \PayPal\Api\Tax();
$tax->setPercent($commerce->TVA[$_SESSION['CPays']]['TVA'])->setName("TAXE 20 %"); // TODO RECUPERER LA VALEUR DE LA TAX

// echo $jsonPayment->plan->payment_definitions[0]->charge_models[0]->amount->value;
// Si achate de plusieurs éléments prendre exemple du code en bas

// // Second Item
// $items[1] = new InvoiceItem();
// // Lets add some discount to this item.
// $item1discount = new Cost();
// $item1discount->setPercent("3");
// $items[1]
//     ->setName("Injection")
//     ->setQuantity(5)
//     ->setDiscount($item1discount)
//     ->setUnitPrice(new Currency());

// $items[1]->getUnitPrice()
//     ->setCurrency("USD")
//     ->setValue(5);

// // #### Tax Item
// // You could provide Tax information to each item.
// $tax2 = new \PayPal\Api\Tax();
// $tax2->setPercent(3)->setName("Local Tax on Injection");
// $items[1]->setTax($tax2);


// Si on veut mettre une remise 
// #### Final Discount
// You can add final discount to the invoice as shown below. You could either use "percent" or "value" when providing the discount
// $cost = new Cost();
// $cost->setPercent("0");
// $invoice->setDiscount($cost);

    ->setTermType("NET_45"); //The terms by which the invoice payment is due. Valid Values: ["DUE_ON_RECEIPT", "DUE_ON_DATE_SPECIFIED", "NET_10", "NET_15", "NET_30", "NET_45", "NET_60", "NET_90", "NO_DUE_DATE"]

// ### Shipping Information
    ->setBusinessName("") // ??? par défaut c'était "Not applicable"
    ->setPhone(new Phone())
    ->setAddress(new InvoiceAddress());

    ->setCountryCode("001") // Mettre le +33 ??
    ->setNationalNumber("12"); // Mettre le num du client ??


// ### Logo
// You can set the logo in the invoice by providing the external URL pointing to a logo
// $invoice->setLogoUrl('https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/i/logo/rebrand/ppcom.svg');

// For Sample Purposes Only.
//$invoice->setStatus('PAID'); //Status of the invoice. Valid Values: ["DRAFT", "SENT", "PAID", "MARKED_AS_PAID", "CANCELLED", "REFUNDED", "PARTIALLY_REFUNDED", "MARKED_AS_REFUNDED", "UNPAID", "PAYMENT_PENDING"]
$request = clone $invoice;

try {

    $invoice1 = $invoice->create($apiContext);

    try {

        $result = $invoice1->update($apiContext);
        print_r( $result->getStatus());
        try {
            $invoiceGood = Invoice::get($invoice1->getId(), $apiContext);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {


    } catch (Exception $ex) {


} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo "ERREUR FACTURE";


您需要使用 SendInvoice...
