Nexus3 和 S3 存储桶不镜像彼此的工件(同步)

Nexus3 and S3 bucket do not mirror each other's artifacts (in synch)

我们已经启动了一个 dockerized Nexus3 并映射了我们的 S3 存储桶 (s3 Blobstore)

Scenario: User uploaded a jar file in customed Host Maven 2 repo that we have created e.g. sample-maven-repository. User was able to upload the jar file and the content was uploaded in S3. However, user deleted the jar file which he uploaded recently and it was successfully removed. We can no longer see the jar file in the "Browse" section of Nexus3 UI. The problem is the content is still in S3 bucket.

有什么办法可以让我们删除Nexus3中的jar文件UI时,S3 bucket中的jar文件也会自动删除?


从 NXRM3 中删除的组件不会有意自动从 blobstores 中删除,它们是 "soft deleted",这样如果您不小心删除了它们,它们可以恢复。 在文件系统 blobstore 上,您需要压缩 blobstore 任务才能完全删除。 在 S3 上,最终删除由 AWS 生命周期处理。据我所知,使用它配置自动删除是不可能的,但你可以调整它以接近你想要的(或者其他人可能知道我不知道的配置)。