
How to get index of Element in two dimensional array?

我有一个二维数组。 我还有一个 For Each 循环,它循环使用这些数组的元素。

如何在代码中评论时获得 vElement/vElement2 的索引? 如果您能帮助我,我将非常非常感谢。

For Each vElement In Table1

    For Each vElement2 In Table2
        If ws_1.Cells(1, c) = vElement Then
            For Row = 3 To lastRow
                    amountValue = amountValue + ws_1.Cells(Row, c).value
                    ws_2.Cells(row2, colIlosc) = amountValue
'Here i would love to have index of vElement for example. In my head it would be something like... Index(vElement) or Index(Table1(vElement))

                    ws_2.Cells(row2, columncodeprod) = vElement2
                    row2 = row2 + 1
                amountValue = 0
            Next Row
        End If
    Next vElement2
Next vElement
Dim Table1() As Variant
Dim Table2() As Variant
Table1 = Range(Cells(2, 3), Cells(lastRow, vMaxCol))
Table2 = Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(lastRow, 1))

表 1 是变体(1 到 33、1 到 9) 表 2 是变体(1 到 33,1 到 1)


您讨论的案例没有索引... vElementvElement2 变量属于 Variant 类型。它们不是对象,要有一个 Index 属性.

当您使用 For Each vElement In Table1 循环时,VBA 从数组的第一个元素开始,向下到最后一行,然后对下一列执行相同的操作。

当您需要知道数组的名称 'indexes' 时,您必须使用 For i = 1 To Ubound(Table1, 1) 后接 For j = 1 To Ubound(Table1, 2)。在这种情况下,您将知道匹配的数组元素行和列。我们可以将它们视为您的伪索引...

如果您真的want/insist要在For Each vElement In Table1类型的迭代中提取此类索引,则必须构建它们。我将尝试 en elocvent 代码示例:

Sub testElemIndex()
 Dim sh As Worksheet, Table1 As Variant, vElement As Variant
 Dim i As Long, indexRow As Long, indexCol

  Set sh = ActiveSheet

  sh.Range("C6").value = "TestIndex"
  Table1 = sh.Range("A1:E10").value
  For Each vElement In Table1
    i = i + 1:
    If vElement = "TestIndex" Then
        If i <= UBound(Table1, 1) Then
          indexRow = i: indexCol = 1
          indexCol = Int(i / UBound(Table1, 1)) + 1
          indexRow = i - Int(i / UBound(Table1, 1)) * UBound(Table1, 1)
        End If
        Debug.Print Table1(indexRow, indexCol), indexRow, indexCol: Stop
    End If
End Sub



显示二维数组中元素的索引 - 复杂的方式

如果我理解正确,您正在通过 ►For Each 构造循环访问数据字段数组,并希望获取同一数组的当前 row/column 索引对。


"How to get indices of an element in a two dimensional array",

撇开如果你通过遍历数组来改变逻辑,你会以更明显和通常的方式自动获得这些首先是行,最后在这个循环中通过数组列 - 参见 附录 *)

允许重建例如下面示例调用中的第 6 个数组元素引用当前索引对(元素 i=6 ~> table1(3,2) ~> row:=3/column:=2)这将是必要的

  • 添加一个元素计数器i,每次获得下一个元素时将其值递增+1,
  • 将此计数器作为参数(另外对数据字段的引用)传递给帮助函数 getIndex()

将结果作为另一个数组返回,即仅包含两个值的数组:(1) 当前数组行,(2) 当前数组列:


注意: 为了更好的可读性和为了将答案压缩到所需的最小值(c.f。MCVE)以下示例调用仅在 table1 数据字段数组上执行一个 For Each 循环;您可以根据需要更改此设置或提出其他问题。

Option Explicit                         ' declaration head of your code module                     

Sub ShowIndicesOf2DimArray()
    Dim table1                          ' declare variant 1-based 2-dim datafield
    table1 = Sheet1.Range("A2:B4")      ' << change to sheets Code(Name)

    Dim vElem, i As Long
    Dim curRow As Long, curCol As Long  ' current row/column number
    For Each vElem In table1

        i = i + 1                       ' increment element counter
        curRow = getIndex(table1, i)(1) ' <~ get row index via help function 
        curCol = getIndex(table1, i)(2) ' <~ get col index via help function 

        'optional debug info in VB Editors immediate window (here: Direktbereich)
        Debug.Print i & ". " & _
                " Table1(" & curRow & "," & curCol & ") = " & vElem & vbTab;
        Debug.Print ", where curRow|curCol are " & Join(getIndex(table1, i), "|")
    Next vElem
End Sub


Function getIndex(table1, ByVal no As Long) As Variant
'Purpose: get 1-based 1-dim array with current row+column indices
    ReDim tmp(1 To 2)
    tmp(1) = (no - 1) Mod UBound(table1) + 1
    tmp(2) = Int((no - 1) / UBound(table1) + 1)
    getIndex = tmp
End Function

*) 附录 - "the simple way"

恰恰相反,使用行和列变量 rc 如上所述;允许通过 table1(r,c) :

Sub TheSimpleWay()
    Dim table1                          ' declare variant 1-based 2-dim datafield
    table1 = Sheet1.Range("A2:B4")      ' << change to sheets Code(Name)
    Dim vElem, i As Long
    Dim r As Long, c As Long            ' row and column counter
    For r = 1 To UBound(table1)         ' start by row 1 (1-based!) up to upper boundary in 1st dimension
        For c = 1 To UBound(table1, 2)  ' start by col 1 (1-based!) up to upper boundary in 2nd dimension
            i = i + 1
            Debug.Print i & ". " & _
                " Table1(" & r & "," & c & ") = " & table1(r, c) & vbTab;
            Debug.Print ", where row|col are " & r & "|" & c

        Next c
    Next r
End Sub