SwiftUI error: "View".Type ' is not convertible to '(String, String, String, Glyph) -> "View'

SwiftUI error: "View".Type ' is not convertible to '(String, String, String, Glyph) -> "View'

第一个 SwiftUI 项目:) 我在调用详细视图的顶级视图中的列表中有一个 NavLink。 它一直在工作,直到我需要将结构的 @State var 添加到详细视图中,现在调用参数列表与编译器期望的不匹配:

    ZStack {
        VStack {
            NavigationView {
                    List(gList) { gard in
                            SelectGlyph(catList: gard.category,
                                        firstGlyph: gard.ex1,
                                        descr: gard.title,
                                        selectedGlyph: Glyph() )


struct SelectGlyph: View {
    var catList: String
    var firstGlyph: String
    var descr: String
    @State var selectedGlyph:Glyph = Glyph()

    var body: some View {
            VStack() {
                VStack {
                    VStack {
                        VStack {


struct Glyph: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable {
    var id:String {
        return Gardiner
    var Hieroglyph: String
    var Gardiner: String
    let Unicode: String
    let Description: String
    let Transliteration: String
    let Phonetic: String
    let Notes: String

    init() {
        self.Hieroglyph = ""
        self.Gardiner = ""
        self.Unicode = ""
        self.Description = ""
        self.Transliteration = ""
        self.Phonetic = ""
        self.Notes = ""

    init(Hiero:String, Gard:String, Uni:String, Desc:String, trans:String, phon:String, notes:String) {
        self.Hieroglyph = Hiero
        self.Gardiner = Gard
        self.Unicode = Uni
        self.Description = Desc
        self.Transliteration = trans
        self.Phonetic = phon
        self.Notes = notes

错误在顶层 ContentView navLink 目标:

'SelectGlyph.Type' is not convertible to '(String, String, String, Glyph) -> SelectGlyph'

我在调用列表中尝试了几种变体,并尝试删除 SelectGlyph 中的 @State 包装器,但都没有效果。任何帮助,将不胜感激!如果我知道如何在视图中指定局部变量而不是调用中的必需参数,那就太好了(我确定我在这里遗漏了一些东西!)

作为对 Asperi 的回应,我尝试了 SelectGlyph 视图的显式初始化程序,但仍然在同一个地方遇到同样的错误:

struct ContentView: View {
    var gList: [GardinerList] = gardinerTest
    var body: some View {
        UINavigationBar.appearance().backgroundColor = .yellow
        ZStack {
            VStack {
                NavigationView {
                        List(gList) { gard in
                                SelectGlyph(catList: gard.category,  <- Error Here
                                            firstGlyph: gard.ex1,
                                            descr: gard.title,
                                            selectedGlyph: Glyph() )

SelectGlyph 视图现已修改为具有显式 init()。我尝试在 init() 中将 selectedGlyph 指定为 _selectedGlyph 和 self._selectedGlyph

struct SelectGlyph: View {
    var catList: String
    var firstGlyph: String
    var descr: String
    @State private var selectedGlyph:Glyph = Glyph()

    init(catList: String, firstGlyph: String, descr: String, selectedGlyph:Glyph) {
        self.catList = catList
        self.firstGlyph = firstGlyph
        self.descr = descr
        self._selectedGlyph = State<Glyph>(initialValue: selectedGlyph)

    var body: some View {
            VStack() {


                    SelectGlyph(catList: gard.category,
                                firstGlyph: gard.ex1,
                                descr: gard.title,
                                selectedGlyph: Glyph() )


struct SelectGlyph: View {
    var catList: String
    var firstGlyph: String
    var descr: String

    @State private var selectedGlyph:Glyph // << always keep @State private !!

    init(catList: String, firstGlyph: String, descr: String, selectedGlyph:Glyph) {
        self.catList = catList
        self.firstGlyph = firstGlyph
        self.descr = descr
        _selectedGlyph = State<Glyph>(initialValue: selectedGlyph)

更新:再来一个。如果不是复制粘贴拼写错误,那么你错过了 NavigationLink

中的 ')'
    SelectGlyph(catList: gard.category,
                firstGlyph: gard.ex1,
                descr: gard.title,
                selectedGlyph: Glyph() )) // << here !!