Authorize.Net AIM/SIM API 和简单结帐正式弃用

Authorize.Net AIM/SIM APIs and Simple Checkout Officially Deprecated

来自 AuthNet 的网站:

Our legacy Advanced Integration Method (AIM) and Server Integration Method (SIM) APIs, as well as our Simple Checkout option, are now officially deprecated, meaning we will no longer provide any updates to these APIs.

我们有一个 vb 年前使用 AuthNet 编写的桌面应用程序,我如何确定该应用程序使用的是 AIM 还是 SIM?代码如下:-

Private Sub DoRefund()

        Authorizer.Add("x_login", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("AuthNetID").ToString)
        Authorizer.Add("x_tran_key", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("AuthNetKey").ToString)
        Authorizer.Add("x_type", "CREDIT")
        Authorizer.Add("x_trans_id", HoldTransID)
        Authorizer.Add("x_duplicate_window", "1")

        Dim decTempTotal As Decimal = decTotValue

        If Not Authorizer.AuthorizePayment(HoldCC, HoldExpMo + "/" + HoldExpYr, HoldCCCID, decTotValue.ToString) Then
            ' insert RefundBatchExceptions record.
            ' logging exception
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ListBox1.Items.Add("Refund successful for Card Order/Credit Card: " + HoldCorderID + "/" + HoldCC + " for " + Format(decTotValue, "C"))

    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

随着 AuthNet 的变化,我是否需要在此应用程序中进行一些更改?

这就是 AIM API。您可以判断,因为有两个因素:

  1. x_login 和其他 x_* 典型的 AIM 领域,而不是他们较新的 XML/JSON APIs
  2. 此代码发出 SIM 卡中不可用的退款