FluentValidation - 如何在运行时自定义验证消息

FluentValidation - How to customize the validation message in runtime


public class Foo
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Type { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

如何使用另一个 属性 实体或从数据库中获取的任何其他字符串在运行时自定义验证消息?

RuleFor(foo => foo.Name) 的验证消息为:

var msg = "The foo with type '" + foo.Type + "' already exists in the database with name '" + nameInDataBase + "'!"


RuleFor(foo => foo.Name).FooTypeIsInvalidValidator().WithMessage("The foo with type: {0} is invalid!", foo => foo.Type);

RuleFor(foo => foo.Name).FooAlreadyExistsValidator().WithMessage("The foo with type: {0} already exists in the database with name", foo => foo.Type);

由于我遇到了一个复杂的场景,在这里找到了解决我问题的解决方案:Custom Validators


public class FooValidator : AbstractValidator<Foo>
    public FooValidator()
        Custom(foo =>
            var repo = new Repository<Foo>();
            var otherFooFromDB = repo.GetByName(foo.Name);

            if (!otherFooFromDB.Equals(foo))
                return new ValidationFailure("Id", "The foo with ID'" + otherFooFromDB.Id + "' has the same name of this new item '" + foo.Id + " - " + foo.Name + "'.!");
                return null;

使用此解决方案,当验证正常时只需 return null。 但是当出现验证错误时 return 一个 ValidationFailure 的实例,并在她的构造函数中传递经过验证的 属性 的名称和验证消息。