Spring ResourceSupport 在哪里

Where is Spring ResourceSupport

我正在阅读 Spring 行动 5。并添加 hateoas 超链接。这个 class 正在扩展 org.springframework.hateoas.ResourceSupport 但我找不到它。我正在使用 Spring 引导版本 2.2.5.RELEASE

import org.springframework.hateoas.ResourceSupport;
import tacos.Taco;

@Relation(value = "taco", collectionRelation = "tacos")
public class TacoResource extends ResourceSupport {

    private static final IngredientResourceAssembler ingredientAssembler = new IngredientResourceAssembler();

    private final String name;

所以这个class在这个版本中的名称是什么,因为源代码使用的是旧版本,我认为是 2.0.2 M1

以下来自Spring HATEOAS documentation

The ResourceSupport/Resource/Resources/PagedResources group of classes never really felt appropriately named. After all, these types do not actually manifest resources but rather representation models that can be enriched with hypermedia information and affordances. Here’s how new names map to the old ones:

ResourceSupport is now RepresentationModel

Resource is now EntityModel

Resources is now CollectionModel

PagedResources is now PagedModel

所以自从 Spring HATEOAS 1.0, ResourceSupport is RepresentationModel

Spring 还提供了一个 migration script,它可以帮助用新的 Spring HATEOAS 类型引用替换遗留的