如何在 Visio 中突出显示组中的形状 VBA

How to highlight a shape present in a group in Visio VBA


Sub CA_Trace_Conflict1()
    PCC_CA = InputBox("Enter PCC Band")

    'SCC1_CA = InputBox("Enter SCC1 Band")
    Dim shp As Visio.Shape
    Dim subshp As Visio.Shape
    Dim connectorshape As Visio.Shape
    Dim BandLinewidth As String
    Dim lngShapeIDs() As Long
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim PCC_Flag As Integer
    Dim SCC1_Flag As Integer

    PCC_Flag = 0
    SCC1_Flag = 0

    Dim DiagramServices As Integer
    DiagramServices = ActiveDocument.DiagramServicesEnabled
    ActiveDocument.DiagramServicesEnabled = visServiceVersion140 + visServiceVersion150
    Dim UndoScopeID1 As Long

    PCC_CA_space = PCC_CA & " "
    For Each shp In Visio.ActivePage.shapes
        If shp.Type = 2 Then 'Check if shp is a group
         For Each subshp In shp.shapes
                If InStr(shp.Text, PCC_CA_space) > 0 Then
                'If PCC_CA Like shp.Text Then
                Set connectorshape = shp
                Debug.Print shp.Parent
          Application.ActiveWindow.Page.shapes.ItemFromID(shp.ID).CellsSRC(visSectionObject,visRowLine, visLineWeight).FormulaU = "5.5 pt"
               '   Debug.Print shp.ID
                End If
     End If

End Sub

我认为您想以编程方式 select 组内的子形状。在 Visio 中执行此操作并不明显,所以请让我帮忙。我将在 my website 上放置两篇文章的链接,在 post 末尾放置一篇关于 Microsoft 的文章。它们更详细地讨论了 select 与离子相关的主题。



  1. 在 Visio 中打开空白绘图
  2. 绘制两个矩形,然后将它们分组

你现在在这个页面上有 三个 个形状。

  • Sheet.1 是子形状
  • Sheet.2 是子形状
  • Sheet.3是组


Public Sub SelectGroup()

  '// Get the active window:
  Dim win As Visio.Window
  Set win = Visio.ActiveWindow

  '// Deselect everything:
  Call win.DeselectAll

  '// Get a shape object:
  Dim shp As Visio.Shape
  Set shp = Visio.ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(3) '<<----- Sheet.3 is the group!

  '// Cause that shape to be selected in the window:
  Call win.Select(shp, Visio.VisSelectArgs.visSelect)

  '// Cleanup:
  Set shp = Nothing
  Set win = Nothing

End Sub

顺便说一下,上面的 Sub 比它必须的要挑剔和长得多。但是,当您开始添加功能和行为时,让事情简单明了会有所帮助。实际上,您可以像这样将整个过程连成一行——您甚至可以将其粘贴到立即 window:

Call Visio.ActiveWindow.Select(Visio.ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(3), Visio.VisSelectArgs.visDeselectAll + Visio.VisSelectArgs.visSelect)

现在子select Sheet.1 或 Sheet.2。有人会认为我们可以简单地将 shp 对象更改为子形状之一,ala:

'// Sheet.1 is a subshape, you'll get an error
Set shp = Visio.ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(1)  '<<----- ID = 1

但这行不通。事实上你会得到一个 "Inappropriate target object for this action" 错误。

要解决这个问题,我们必须向 Select 方法传递一个不同的参数:

Public Sub SelectSubshape()

  '// We've drawn two rectangles on a blank page, then
  '// grouped them. Sheet.1 and Sheet.2 are subshapes,
  '// Sheet.3 is the group.

  '// Get the active window:
  Dim win As Visio.Window
  Set win = Visio.ActiveWindow

  '// Deselect everything:
  Call win.DeselectAll

  '// Get a subshape object:
  Dim shp As Visio.Shape
  Set shp = Visio.ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(2)

  '// Cause that shape to be SUBSELECTED in the window.
  '// Note the different argument: visSubSelect
  Call win.Select(shp, Visio.VisSelectArgs.visSubSelect) ' <<------ visSubSelect!

  '// Cleanup:
  Set shp = Nothing
  Set win = Nothing

End Sub

瞧!在活动 window!

中编辑子形状 select

如果您想检测哪些形状已经 selected,那么您必须 fiddle 使用 IterationMode 属性 Select离子物体。这很令人困惑,而且我认为您现在不会要求这样做。但了解该术语将有助于您在将来需要时寻求帮助。


Getting a Handle on Selecting and Subselecting Visio Shapes

Detect Sub-selected Shapes Programmatically

Selection.Select method (Visio)