Hadoop 机架拓扑

Hadoop rack topology

在 Hadoop 中,我了解到可以通过提供机架的 IP 地址或其关联的主机名来配置机架拓扑。 这是否意味着在一个 Hadoop 集群中,理论上您可以在完全不同的地理位置拥有不同的机架,只要它们可以从 NameNode 访问(可以被 ping 通)?


Hadoop 默认是机架感知的,所有节点都属于一个称为 /default-rack 的机架。如果集群有多个机架,在一个数据中心内或跨数据中心,hadoop 组件(尤其是 Namenode)必须知道这些不同的机架。

In Hadoop I've read that the rack topology can be configured by supplying IP addresses of the racks or their associated host names.

是的,需要一个脚本来生成数据节点的 IP 或主机名与最多一个机架之间的映射,以配置机架拓扑。

Does that mean that within one Hadoop cluster you could theoretically have different racks in completely separate geographical locations as long as they are reachable (can be pinged) from the NameNode?


If that is the case I would assume the replication strategy of the blocks defined by the rack awareness algorithm would be the same.
