有没有办法从使用循环创建的 table 设置 $_SESSION 变量

Is there a way to set a $_SESSION variable from a table which is created with a loop

我正在做一个学校项目,我们需要使用数据库创建一个网站,我现在要创建的是我们学校的常见问题解答论坛,我所需要的只是一种解答问题的方法。现在我有一个 table,其中包含使用此代码生成的问题。


  $query="SELECT vraag, vragen_id, v_naam, tv, a_naam
          FROM vragen, personen
          WHERE vak_id = 1
          AND vragen.id=personen.id
          GROUP BY vraag
          ORDER BY vragen_id DESC";

  echo "<table class = 'w3-table w3-striped w3-bordered w3-hoverable'>";
      echo "<tr>";
        echo "<th>Vraag nummer &nbsp</th>";
        echo "<th>Gestelde vraag &nbsp</th>";
        echo "<th>Gesteld door &nbsp</th>";
      echo "</tr>";

    foreach($result as $row) {
      echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>" . $row['vragen_id'] . "</td>";
        echo "<td><a href='antwoorden.php'>" . $row['vraag'] . "</a></td>";
        echo "<td>" . $row['v_naam'] . " " . $row['tv'] . " " .  $row['a_naam'] ."</td>";
      echo "</tr>";
  echo "</table>";

而且我想知道是否有办法将 $_SESSION['vraag'] 设置为已单击的 $row['vraag'] 的值。

当用户点击它时,您必须传递 $row['vraag'] 的值。

echo "<td><a href='antwoorden.php?vraag=".$row['vraag']."'>" . $row['vraag'] . "</a></td>";


// do not forget to activate session

$_SESSION['vraag'] = $_GET['vraag'];


因为您的问题将包含空格和您必须为行创建标识符的其他字符,所以 get 会给您带来麻烦。我认为为此使用 post 请求更容易。


<form action="/antwoorden.php" method="post">
   <label for="antwoord">antwoord:</label>
   <input type="text" name="antwoord">
   <input type="hidden" name="vragen_id" value="{$row['vragen_id']}">
   <input type="submit" value="antwoord">


if(isset($_POST) and !empty($_POST['vragen_id'])){
$antwoord = $_POST['antwoord'];

// add insert sql action here
insert into vragen (..fields..) values (..values..) where vragen_id = ........

// check results of the executed insert query

// head to the same page again and this you'll load the new answer
header('Location: http://www.example.com/antwoorden.php');
