
Laravel: Count integer value based on week of the month

我正在尝试计算 JSON 中的整数值: 并得到了我预期的值。

"date": [
"22 Jan",
"23 Jan",
"24 Jan",
"25 Jan",
"total_confirmed": [
"total_deaths": [
"total_recovered": [
"max_value_of_total_confirmed": 272166


$client = new Client();$request = $client->get('');
$response = $request->getBody()->getContents();
$posts_dates = json_decode($response, true);

$confirmed_array = array();
$deaths_array = array();
$recovered_array = array();

if ( ! empty( $posts_dates ) ) {
    foreach ( $posts_dates as $country => $data )   {
        foreach ( $data as $dataKey => $dateData )    {

            $date = new \DateTime( $dateData['date'] );
            $day = $date->format( 'd M' );

            if ( !isset($confirmed_array[$day]) )  {
                $confirmed_array[$day] = 0;
            $confirmed_array[$day] += $dateData['confirmed'];
        foreach ( $data as $dataKey => $dateData )    {

            $date = new \DateTime( $dateData['date'] );
            $day = $date->format( 'd M' );

            if ( !isset($deaths_array[$day]) )  {
                $deaths_array[$day] = 0;
            $deaths_array[$day] += $dateData['deaths'];
        foreach ( $data as $dataKey => $dateData )    {

            $date = new \DateTime( $dateData['date'] );
            $day = $date->format( 'd M' );

            if ( !isset($recovered_array[$day]) )  {
                $recovered_array[$day] = 0;
            $recovered_array[$day] += $dateData['recovered'];

$output = [
            "date" => array_keys($confirmed_array),
            "total_confirmed" => array_values($confirmed_array),
            "total_deaths" => array_values($deaths_array),
            "total_recovered" => array_values($recovered_array),
            "max_value_of_total_confirmed" => max($confirmed_array)

return $output;

我想要得到的是不是按日期,而是按月份的星期(1 月 3 日、1 月 4 日、2 月 1 日、2 月 2 日等)对这些数据进行分组。任何帮助将不胜感激:)


我建议使用 collection。您可以使用 Laravel.



$client = new Client();
$request = $client->get('');
$response = $request->getBody()->getContents();
$posts_dates = json_decode($response, true);

/****** Here we go ******/
$posts_dates = collect($posts_dates)
    ->map(function ($item, $key) {
        $item = collect($item);
        $date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($key);
        $key  = 'W' . $date->weekOfMonth . $date->format(' M');

        return [
            'date'            => $key,
            'total_confirmed' => $item->sum('confirmed'),
            'total_deaths'    => $item->sum('deaths'),
            'total_recovered' => $item->sum('recovered'),
    ->groupBy(function ($item, $key) {
        return collect($item)->keys()->all();
    ->map(function ($item, $key) {
        return $item->map(function ($item) use ($key) {
            return $item[$key];

$posts_dates->put('max_value_of_total_confirmed', $posts_dates['total_confirmed']->max());



array:5 [
  "date" => array:59 [
    0 => "W4 Jan"
    1 => "W4 Jan"
    2 => "W4 Jan"
    3 => "W4 Jan"
    4 => "W4 Jan"
    5 => "W4 Jan"
    6 => "W4 Jan"
    7 => "W5 Jan"
    8 => "W5 Jan"
    9 => "W5 Jan"
    10 => "W1 Feb"
    11 => "W1 Feb"
    12 => "W1 Feb"
    13 => "W1 Feb"
    14 => "W1 Feb"
    15 => "W1 Feb"
    16 => "W1 Feb"
    17 => "W2 Feb"
    18 => "W2 Feb"
    19 => "W2 Feb"
    20 => "W2 Feb"
    21 => "W2 Feb"
    22 => "W2 Feb"
    23 => "W2 Feb"
    24 => "W3 Feb"
    25 => "W3 Feb"
    26 => "W3 Feb"
    27 => "W3 Feb"
    28 => "W3 Feb"
    29 => "W3 Feb"
    30 => "W3 Feb"
    31 => "W4 Feb"
    32 => "W4 Feb"
    33 => "W4 Feb"
    34 => "W4 Feb"
    35 => "W4 Feb"
    36 => "W4 Feb"
    37 => "W4 Feb"
    38 => "W5 Feb"
    39 => "W1 Mar"
    40 => "W1 Mar"
    41 => "W1 Mar"
    42 => "W1 Mar"
    43 => "W1 Mar"
    44 => "W1 Mar"
    45 => "W1 Mar"
    46 => "W2 Mar"
    47 => "W2 Mar"
    48 => "W2 Mar"
    49 => "W2 Mar"
    50 => "W2 Mar"
    51 => "W2 Mar"
    52 => "W2 Mar"
    53 => "W3 Mar"
    54 => "W3 Mar"
    55 => "W3 Mar"
    56 => "W3 Mar"
    57 => "W3 Mar"
    58 => "W3 Mar"
  "total_confirmed" => array:59 [
    0 => 555
    1 => 653
    2 => 941
    3 => 1434
    4 => 2118
    5 => 2927
    6 => 5578
    7 => 6166
    8 => 8234
    9 => 9927
    10 => 12038
    11 => 16787
    12 => 19881
    13 => 23892
    14 => 27635
    15 => 30817
    16 => 34391
    17 => 37120
    18 => 40150
    19 => 42762
    20 => 44802
    21 => 45221
    22 => 60368
    23 => 66885
    24 => 69030
    25 => 71224
    26 => 73258
    27 => 75136
    28 => 75639
    29 => 76197
    30 => 76823
    31 => 78579
    32 => 78965
    33 => 79568
    34 => 80413
    35 => 81395
    36 => 82754
    37 => 84120
    38 => 86011
    39 => 88369
    40 => 90306
    41 => 92840
    42 => 95120
    43 => 97882
    44 => 101784
    45 => 105821
    46 => 109795
    47 => 113561
    48 => 118592
    49 => 125865
    50 => 128343
    51 => 145193
    52 => 156094
    53 => 167446
    54 => 181527
    55 => 197142
    56 => 214910
    57 => 242708
    58 => 272166
  "total_deaths" => array:59 [
    0 => 17
    1 => 18
    2 => 26
    3 => 42
    4 => 56
    5 => 82
    6 => 131
    7 => 133
    8 => 171
    9 => 213
    10 => 259
    11 => 362
    12 => 426
    13 => 492
    14 => 564
    15 => 634
    16 => 719
    17 => 806
    18 => 906
    19 => 1013
    20 => 1113
    21 => 1118
    22 => 1371
    23 => 1523
    24 => 1666
    25 => 1770
    26 => 1868
    27 => 2007
    28 => 2122
    29 => 2247
    30 => 2251
    31 => 2458
    32 => 2469
    33 => 2629
    34 => 2708
    35 => 2770
    36 => 2814
    37 => 2872
    38 => 2941
    39 => 2996
    40 => 3085
    41 => 3160
    42 => 3254
    43 => 3348
    44 => 3460
    45 => 3558
    46 => 3802
    47 => 3988
    48 => 4262
    49 => 4615
    50 => 4720
    51 => 5404
    52 => 5819
    53 => 6440
    54 => 7126
    55 => 7905
    56 => 8733
    57 => 9867
    58 => 11299
  "total_recovered" => array:59 [
    0 => 28
    1 => 30
    2 => 36
    3 => 39
    4 => 52
    5 => 61
    6 => 107
    7 => 126
    8 => 143
    9 => 222
    10 => 284
    11 => 472
    12 => 623
    13 => 852
    14 => 1124
    15 => 1487
    16 => 2011
    17 => 2616
    18 => 3244
    19 => 3946
    20 => 4683
    21 => 5150
    22 => 6295
    23 => 8058
    24 => 9395
    25 => 10865
    26 => 12583
    27 => 14352
    28 => 16121
    29 => 18177
    30 => 18890
    31 => 22886
    32 => 23394
    33 => 25227
    34 => 27905
    35 => 30384
    36 => 33277
    37 => 36711
    38 => 39782
    39 => 42716
    40 => 45602
    41 => 48228
    42 => 51170
    43 => 53796
    44 => 55865
    45 => 58358
    46 => 60694
    47 => 62494
    48 => 64404
    49 => 67003
    50 => 68324
    51 => 70251
    52 => 72624
    53 => 76034
    54 => 78088
    55 => 80840
    56 => 83207
    57 => 84854
    58 => 87256
  "max_value_of_total_confirmed" => 272166


$client = new Client();
$request = $client->get('');
$response = $request->getBody()->getContents();
$posts_dates = json_decode($response, true);

/****** Here we go ******/
$posts_dates = collect($posts_dates)
    ->map(function ($item) {
        $date         = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($item['date']);
        $item['week'] = 'W' . $date->weekOfMonth . $date->format(' M');

        return $item;
    ->map(function ($item, $key) {
        $item = collect($item);

        return [
            'date'            => $key,
            'total_confirmed' => $item->sum('confirmed'),
            'total_deaths'    => $item->sum('deaths'),
            'total_recovered' => $item->sum('recovered'),
    ->groupBy(function ($item, $key) {
        return collect($item)->keys()->all();
    ->map(function ($item, $key) {
        return $item->map(function ($item) use ($key) {
            return $item[$key];

$posts_dates->put('max_value_of_total_confirmed', $posts_dates['total_confirmed']->max());



array:5 [
  "date" => array:10 [
    0 => "W4 Jan"
    1 => "W5 Jan"
    2 => "W1 Feb"
    3 => "W2 Feb"
    4 => "W3 Feb"
    5 => "W4 Feb"
    6 => "W5 Feb"
    7 => "W1 Mar"
    8 => "W2 Mar"
    9 => "W3 Mar"
  "total_confirmed" => array:10 [
    0 => 14206
    1 => 24327
    2 => 165441
    3 => 337308
    4 => 517307
    5 => 565794
    6 => 86011
    7 => 672122
    8 => 897443
    9 => 1275899
  "total_deaths" => array:10 [
    0 => 372
    1 => 517
    2 => 3456
    3 => 7850
    4 => 13931
    5 => 18720
    6 => 2941
    7 => 22861
    8 => 32610
    9 => 51370
  "total_recovered" => array:10 [
    0 => 353
    1 => 491
    2 => 6853
    3 => 33992
    4 => 100383
    5 => 199784
    6 => 39782
    7 => 355735
    8 => 465794
    9 => 490279
  "max_value_of_total_confirmed" => 1275899