打字稿:将接口类型序列化为 类 的数组

Typescript: Serialize interface types to array of classes


目前,我正在研究使用实体-组件-系统模型的小型游戏引擎。我想将 "serialize" 类型的接口放入 类 的数组(每个接口的类型 属性)以通知系统所需的组件。


export interface IMovable {
    position: CompPosition;
    velocity: CompVelocity;

export class MoveSystem extends System<IMovable> {

    // This array should have type, to ensure all components classes from IMovable are listed.
    protected requiredComponents = [ CompPosition, CompVelocity ];

    /// ...



export interface IMovable {
    position: CompPosition;
    velocity: CompVelocity;

export class MoveSystem extends System<IMovable> {

    /* The properties of requiredComponents have the same name as in interface, but their types are 
       different - in interface, the type requires instances (which I want to keep this way in the 
       interface), but requiredComponents should contain classes. */
    protected requiredComponents = {
        position: CompPosition, 
        velocity: CompVelocity 

    /// ...




class Position implements Component {
    x: number = 0
    y: number = 0
    readonly requiredComponents: {}

class Velocity implements Component {
    velX: number = 0
    velY: number = 0
    readonly requiredComponents: {}

type ComponentConstructor<T> = new(...args: any[]) => T

interface Component<A = {}, B = {}, C = {}, D = {}> {
    readonly requiredComponents: A & B & C & D

interface IMovable {
    position: ComponentConstructor<Position>
    velocity: ComponentConstructor<Velocity>

class Player implements Component<IMovable> {
    readonly requiredComponents = {
        position: Position,
        velocity: Velocity,

有了更多关于这些组件将如何工作/交互的上下文,我觉得我可能会提供更好的解决方案 - 我不相信你正在尝试做的事情仍然是必要的。


type Class<T> = new(...args: any[]) => T;

type ComponentStore<T> = { [P in keyof T]: Component };
type RequiredComponents<T extends ComponentStore<T>> = { [P in keyof T]: Class<T[P]> };

abstract class System<T extends ComponentStore<T>> {

    protected abstract requiredComponents: RequiredComponents<T>;

    // ...


interface IMovable {
    position: CompPosition;
    velocity: CompVelocity;

class MoveSystem extends System<IMovable> {

    protected requiredComponents = {
        position: CompPosition,
        velocity: CompVelocity

    // ...

