无法将当前 JSON 对象(例如 {"name":"value"})反序列化为类型 'Value[]',因为该类型需要一个 JSON 数组(例如 [1,2 ,3])

Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) into type 'Value[]' because the type requires a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3])

我正在为这个例外而苦恼。 我正在尝试从 json 文件中获取一些信息并从中获取一些 C# 对象。但是由于某些原因,Unity不允许我反序列化它。

这是我的 C# 代码:

IEnumerator SendRequest(string urlParam, Action<UnityWebRequest> callback)
        using (webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(urlParam))
            yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest();

            if (webRequest.isNetworkError || webRequest.isHttpError)
            //else Debug.Log("Command has been performed successfully");

public void StartTestSuite2()
        StartCoroutine(SendRequest("http://localhost:8086/down|PopOut1", (UnityWebRequest req) =>
            if (req.isNetworkError || req.isHttpError)
                Debug.Log($"{req.error}: {req.downloadHandler.text}");
                Value[] values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Value[]>(req.downloadHandler.text);

                foreach (Value value in values)

我已经在谷歌上搜索过了,发现有些人遇到了同样的问题,但我不知道如何解决我的问题。 我试过反序列化 Value 而不是 Value[],它确实有效。

但是我无法通过 foreach(我需要)table

有人可以帮我吗? 谢谢,

编辑:这是我的 "Value" 类型:

public class Value
    public string name;
    public string type;
    public float x;
    public float y;
    public int instanceID;

这是我的 json 文件:

    "scene": "UI",
    "gameObjectDefinitions": [{
        "name": "Image",
        "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
        "x": 314.79595947265627,
        "y": 327.6845397949219,
        "instanceID": 28548,
        "buttons": [],
        "children": []
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        "name": "TopFade",
        "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
        "x": 26.790924072265626,
        "y": 326.97796630859377,
        "instanceID": 28614,
        "buttons": ["TopFade (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
        "children": [{
            "name": "Text",
            "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
            "x": 26.790924072265626,
            "y": 326.97796630859377,
            "instanceID": 28342,
            "buttons": [],
            "children": []
    }, {
        "name": "Button (1)",
        "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
        "x": 81.19093322753906,
        "y": 327.207763671875,
        "instanceID": 28600,
        "buttons": ["Button (1) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
        "children": [{
            "name": "Text",
            "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
            "x": 81.19093322753906,
            "y": 327.207763671875,
            "instanceID": 28792,
            "buttons": [],
            "children": []
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        "name": "Button (2)",
        "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
        "x": 135.5909423828125,
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        "instanceID": 28506,
        "buttons": ["Button (2) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
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        "instanceID": 28520,
        "buttons": ["Button (4) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
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            "name": "Text",
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            "buttons": [],
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        "name": "Button1Panel",
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            "name": "Text",
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        "name": "Button2Panel",
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        "name": "Button3Panel",
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        "buttons": [],
        "children": [{
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            "x": 135.55799865722657,
            "y": 287.9584045410156,
            "instanceID": 28476,
            "buttons": [],
            "children": []
    }, {
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        "x": 835.2000122070313,
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        "instanceID": 28776,
        "buttons": [],
        "children": [{
            "name": "PopOut1",
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            "x": 684.739990234375,
            "y": 198.75999450683595,
            "instanceID": 28310,
            "buttons": ["PopOut1 (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
            "children": [{
                "name": "Text",
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                "y": 198.75999450683595,
                "instanceID": 28784,
                "buttons": [],
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    }, {
        "name": "PopOutMaster (1)",
        "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
        "x": 835.2000122070313,
        "y": 135.52000427246095,
        "instanceID": 28834,
        "buttons": [],
        "children": [{
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            "x": 719.0799560546875,
            "y": 135.52000427246095,
            "instanceID": 28492,
            "buttons": ["PopOut2 (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
            "children": [{
                "name": "Text",
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                "x": 617.89599609375,
                "y": 135.52000427246095,
                "instanceID": 28324,
                "buttons": [],
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    }, {
        "name": "PopOutMaster (2)",
        "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
        "x": 835.2000122070313,
        "y": 72.27999877929688,
        "instanceID": 28716,
        "buttons": [],
        "children": [{
            "name": "PopOut3",
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            "x": 719.0799560546875,
            "y": 72.27999877929688,
            "instanceID": 28800,
            "buttons": ["PopOut3 (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
            "children": [{
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        "buttons": [],
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        "buttons": ["B4 (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
        "children": [{
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        "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
        "x": 81.60000610351563,
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        "instanceID": 28698,
        "buttons": ["ButtonSmall (1) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
        "children": [{
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            "x": 81.60000610351563,
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        "type": "UnityEngine.RectTransform",
        "x": 136.0,
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        "buttons": ["START (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"],
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    "buttons": ["TopFade (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "Button (1) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "Button (2) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "Button (3) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "Button (4) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "PopOut1 (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "PopOut2 (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "PopOut3 (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "B4 (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "ButtonSmall (1) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "ButtonSmall (2) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "ButtonSmall (3) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "ButtonSmall (4) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "ButtonSmall (5) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "ButtonSmall (6) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "Button (5) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "Button (6) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "Button (7) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "Button (8) (UnityEngine.UI.Button)", "START (UnityEngine.UI.Button)"]

现在您已经发布了 JSON 的其余部分,我可以看到您正在尝试访问一个包含在更大的 JSON 对象中的内部数组。

代码本身 "worked" 有一个 Value 因为你有一个 JSON 对象,没有数组!

但是,它不会有任何字段与 JSON 字符串中的条目相匹配,因此无论如何它们都会有它们的默认值。

因此,您实际上应该拥有的是包含 JSON

相关字段的包装器 class
public class JsonRoot
    public string scene;
    public Value[] gameObjectDefinitions;


var jsonRoot = JsonConverter.Deserialize<JsonRoot>(req.downloadHandler.text);


foreach(var value in jsonRoot.gameObjectDefinitions)

此处的替代方法可能是使用 SimpleJson

var jsonRoot = JSON.Parse(req.downloadHandler.text);
var values = jsonRoot["gameObjectDefinitions"].AsArray;

关于您对 children 的评论:

您会在 Value class 中发现它们根本不存在,因此目前无法访问它们。

如果你想表示完整的 JSON 格式,你的 classes 应该看起来像

public class JsonRoot
    public string scene;
    public Value[] gameObjectDefinitions;
    public string[] buttons;

public class Value
    public string name;
    public string type;
    public float x;
    public float y;
    public int instanceID;

    public string[] buttons;
    public Value[] children;

注意:Unity 将此类递归类型结构的序列化限制为最大嵌套层数 7!我不知道您使用的 JSON 库如何处理此问题,但请注意可能存在此限制。



foreach(var value in jsonRoot.gameObjectDefinitions)


private void HandleValue(Value value)

    if(value.children != null)
        foreach(var child in value.children)