在 java 中使用 TextFormat 将 protobuf 消息转换为字符串时如何控制字段的顺序?
How to control the order of field while converting a protobuf message to string using TextFormat in java?
我有一条 protobuf 消息,使用 TextFormat.printToString()
deploymentDef {
id: "PX3C1ED"
default: true
type: ONPREM
limits {
clusterSize: 3
limits {
numVMs: 18000
numVMsWithFlows: 18000
activeFlows: 6000000
totalFlows: 24000000
flowPlanning: 4000000
numDevices: 40
isEnterprise: false
brickSize: XLARGE
clusterSize: 3
description: "Default Role, Non-Enterprise, App-Discovery and Vf services stopped"
message DeploymentDef {
optional string id = 1;
optional bool default = 2;
optional DeploymentType type = 3;
optional PlatformClusterLimits limits = 4;
repeated Role roles = 5;
optional bool isEnterprise = 6;
optional Configs overrides = 7;
optional BrickSize brickSize = 8;
optional int32 clusterSize = 9;
optional string description = 10;
在使用 TextFormat.printToString()
将原型消息转换为字符串时,是否可以将 description
正如您现在可能理解的那样,消息是按照字段的顺序——标签的顺序进行编码的。这是由 Message#getAllFields()
is guaranteed to be a sorted map, so iterating over it will return fields in order by field number
因此,如果您需要将描述字段放在第一个,则需要弃用所有字段 1-9 并将其移动到编号 11-19,或者弃用 description
message Deployment {
optional string description = 1;
required DeploymentDef deploymentDef = 2;
抱歉,没有太多更好的选择,protobuf 中的字段顺序(按设计)不是很重要/可自定义。
我有一条 protobuf 消息,使用 TextFormat.printToString()
deploymentDef {
id: "PX3C1ED"
default: true
type: ONPREM
limits {
clusterSize: 3
limits {
numVMs: 18000
numVMsWithFlows: 18000
activeFlows: 6000000
totalFlows: 24000000
flowPlanning: 4000000
numDevices: 40
isEnterprise: false
brickSize: XLARGE
clusterSize: 3
description: "Default Role, Non-Enterprise, App-Discovery and Vf services stopped"
message DeploymentDef {
optional string id = 1;
optional bool default = 2;
optional DeploymentType type = 3;
optional PlatformClusterLimits limits = 4;
repeated Role roles = 5;
optional bool isEnterprise = 6;
optional Configs overrides = 7;
optional BrickSize brickSize = 8;
optional int32 clusterSize = 9;
optional string description = 10;
在使用 TextFormat.printToString()
将原型消息转换为字符串时,是否可以将 description
正如您现在可能理解的那样,消息是按照字段的顺序——标签的顺序进行编码的。这是由 Message#getAllFields()
is guaranteed to be a sorted map, so iterating over it will return fields in order by field number
因此,如果您需要将描述字段放在第一个,则需要弃用所有字段 1-9 并将其移动到编号 11-19,或者弃用 description
message Deployment {
optional string description = 1;
required DeploymentDef deploymentDef = 2;
抱歉,没有太多更好的选择,protobuf 中的字段顺序(按设计)不是很重要/可自定义。