SwiftUI:如何使用 SegmentedPickerStyle() return 与 Picker 的相同索引

SwiftUI: How do I return to same index with a Picker using SegmentedPickerStyle()

这只是我在思考 ViewBuilder 和新的 SwiftUI 范例。

我的屏幕顶部有一个 "menu" 以及几个按钮。

如果我进行搜索(点击放大镜),当我 return 时,索引总是 return 为 0,第一项是 selected/displayed。我想 return 到调用时的相同索引。我如何记住索引并重置它?


struct TopLevelMenu: View {

/// Toggle to display the Game State (Map) on button tap
@State private var shouldShowWorldMap = false

var body: some View {
NavigationView {
    VStack {
        if shouldShowWorldMap {
            ZStack {
            } else {


struct TopLevelView: View {
   /// Tracks the sheet presentation and current play environment (continent)
    /// mapCenter, display flags, gameOver flat, current continent
    var gameState: GameState = GameState.shared
    /// Handles the game logic, turns, scoring, etc.
    var gameManager: GameManager = GameManager.shared
    /// current game modes: continent, country, capital, grid, about
    @State private var continentIndex = 0

    /// If Help or the World Map is not displayed (triggered by buttons at the top), then this is the Main Display after launch

var body: some View {
    VStack {
        Section {
            Picker(selection: $continentIndex, label: Text("N/A")) {
                ForEach(0 ..< 5) {
        SecondLevelView(continentIndex: continentIndex)


通常我会编写 UIKit 代码来保存索引并恢复它,但我不确定这样的代码会去哪里,因为 ViewBuilder 不与内联代码合作。什么是公认的做法?

我决定使用 @AppStorage 属性 包装器。

由于选择器选项对应于枚举的原始值,我向枚举 (ContinentType) 添加了一个键:

static var key = "ContinentIndex"


@State private var continentIndex = 0


 @AppStorage(ContinentType.key) var selectedContinentIndex = 0

这会记住最后选择的索引,所以我可以导航到其他游戏模式,但是当我 return 到这个视图时,它会记住我正在使用哪个大陆。


Section {
    Picker(selection: $selectedContinentIndex, label: Text("Continent")) {
        ForEach(0 ..< 5) {