beeline 保留字符 while 运行 数据库脚本
beeline reserved character while running database scripts
我刚刚在 运行 hive/oracle 脚本通过直线时遇到了问题。
Transaction isolation: TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ 0:
jdbc:hive2://> 0:
jdbc:hive2://> 0:
jdbc:hive2://> alter table
digital_onboarding_fat01.do_applsbpm add
columns(doa_accessed_cross_sell VARCHAR(5) COMMENT 'The column
indicates if the client has accessed the cross sell win dow. Can take
the following values True the client has accessed the Insurance card,
available on the Cross Sell window. False the client has chosen Nu
sunt inte resat in the Cross Sell window. Blank the client didnt
reach the Cross sell step.', doa_acquired_insurance VARCHAR(5) COMMENT
'The column indicates if the client has purchased an insurance. Ca n
take the following values True the client choses an insurance, doesnt
uncheckit in the Basket summary step and goes further to Contract;
False the client cho ses an insurance, but unchecks it in the Basket
summary step; Blank the client doesnt chose any insurance / he didnt
reach the Basket summary step.'); Error: Error while compiling
statement: FAILED: ParseException line 4:48 mismatched input 'The'
expecting StringLiteral near 'COMMENT' in column specification
我刚刚在 运行 hive/oracle 脚本通过直线时遇到了问题。 错误:
Transaction isolation: TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ 0: jdbc:hive2://> 0: jdbc:hive2://> 0: jdbc:hive2://> alter table digital_onboarding_fat01.do_applsbpm add columns(doa_accessed_cross_sell VARCHAR(5) COMMENT 'The column indicates if the client has accessed the cross sell win dow. Can take the following values True the client has accessed the Insurance card, available on the Cross Sell window. False the client has chosen Nu sunt inte resat in the Cross Sell window. Blank the client didnt reach the Cross sell step.', doa_acquired_insurance VARCHAR(5) COMMENT 'The column indicates if the client has purchased an insurance. Ca n take the following values True the client choses an insurance, doesnt uncheckit in the Basket summary step and goes further to Contract; False the client cho ses an insurance, but unchecks it in the Basket summary step; Blank the client doesnt chose any insurance / he didnt reach the Basket summary step.'); Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 4:48 mismatched input 'The' expecting StringLiteral near 'COMMENT' in column specification (state=42000,code=40000)