如何管理自己的 SIGINT 和 SIGTERM 信号?

how to manage myself SIGINT and SIGTERM signals?

我正在开发一个简单的基于 Mojolicious::Lite 的服务器,其中包含一个 websocket 端点。

我想处理一些终止信号以正常终止 websocket 连接并避免客户端(java 应用程序)出现异常。

我尝试定义我的信号处理程序,就像我以前使用 HTTP::Daemon 的服务器一样。 问题是它们似乎被忽略了。也许在Mojolicious层重新定义了,我还没有找到任何参考资料。


[Mon Mar 23 14:01:28 2020] [info] Listening at "http://*:3000"
Server available at
^C  # <-- i want to see my signal received message here if type Ctrl-c

当服务器在终端中处于前台时,我通过输入 Ctrl-C 直接发送 SIGINT,我可以优雅地终止服务器(例如,当由 cron 或其他无显示方式启动时) kill <pid>.



我找到了包 Mojo::IOLoop::Signal,« 非阻塞信号处理程序 » 但它似乎是另一回事。错了?

这是我的简化代码(使用简单的 perl ws_store_test.pl daemon 运行):


# Automatically enables "strict", "warnings", "utf8" and Perl 5.10 features
use Mojolicious::Lite;

my $store = {};
my $ws_clients = {};

sub terminate_clients {
    for my $peer (keys %$ws_clients){

$SIG{INT} = sub {
    say "SIGINT";  # to be sure to display something
    app->log->info("SIGINT / CTRL-C received. Leaving...");
$SIG{TERM} = sub {
    say "SIGTERM"; # to be sure to display something
    app->log->info("SIGTERM - External termination request. Leaving...");

# this simulates a change on datamodel and notifies the clients
sub update_store {
    my $t = localtime time;
    $store->{last_time} = $t;
    for my $peer (keys %$ws_clients){
        app->log->debug(sprintf 'notify %s', $peer);
        $ws_clients->{$peer}->send({ json => $store

# Route with placeholder - to test datamodel contents
get '/:foo' => sub {
  my $c   = shift;
  my $foo = $c->param('foo');
  $c->render(text => "Hello from $foo." . (scalar keys %$store ? " already received " . join ', ', sort keys %$store : "") );

# websocket service with optional parameter
websocket '/ws/tickets/*id' => { id => undef } => sub {
    my $ws = shift;
    my $id = $ws->param('id');

    my $peer = sprintf '%s', $ws->tx;
    app->log->debug(sprintf 'Client connected: %s, id=%s', $peer, $id);
    $ws_clients->{$peer} = $ws->tx;
    $store->{$id} = {};

    $ws->on( message => sub {
        my ($c, $message) = @_;
        app->log->debug(sprintf 'WS received %s from a client', $message);

    $ws->on( finish => sub {
        my ($c, $code, $reason) = @_;
        app->log->debug(sprintf 'WS client disconnected: %s - %d - %s', $peer, $code, $reason);
        delete $ws_clients->{$peer};

plugin Cron => ( '* * * * *' => \&update_store );

# Start the Mojolicious command system

SIGINT 和 SIGTERM 处理程序在服务器启动时重新定义。在 morbo 中是:

local $SIG{INT} = local $SIG{TERM} = sub {
  $self->{finished} = 1;
  kill 'TERM', $self->{worker} if $self->{worker};


local $SIG{INT} = local $SIG{TERM} = sub { $loop->stop };

如果您自己在顶层重新定义 SIGINT/SIGTERM 的处理程序,那些 local 将覆盖它们。相反,我的建议是在 before_dispatch 挂钩中重新定义它们一次。例如:

sub add_sigint_handler {
    my $old_int = $SIG{INT};
    $SIG{INT} = sub {
        say "SIGINT";  # to be sure to display something
        app->log->info("SIGINT / CTRL-C received. Leaving...");
        $old_int->(); # Calling the old handler to cleanly exit the server

app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
    state $unused = add_sigint_handler();

这里我使用 state 来确保 add_sigint_handler 只被计算一次(因为如果它被计算多次,$old_int 在之后就不会有正确的值第一次)。另一种写法可能是:

my $flag = 0;
app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
    if ($flag == 0) {
        $flag = 1;


app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
    state $flag = 0;
    if ($flag == 0) {
        $flag = 1;