NetworkX DiGraphMatcher returns 没有关于有向图的结果?

NetworkX DiGraphMatcher returns no results on directed graphs?

我有一个大图,我想在其中使用 NetworkX 中内置的 VF2 算法找到子图同构。 'haystack' 和 'needle' 图都是有向的。举以下简单的例子:

from networkx.algorithms.isomorphism import DiGraphMatcher

G1 = nx.complete_graph(20, nx.DiGraph)

G2 = nx.DiGraph()
G2.add_edge(1, 2)

list(DiGraphMatcher(G1, G2).subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())

最后一行 return 是一个空列表 []

我的理解是,这应该 return 图中的所有边,事实上,如果我用 GraphMatcher 代替 DiGraphMatcher,我会得到所有边的列表。




from networkx.algorithms.isomorphism import GraphMatcher

G1 = nx.complete_graph(20, nx.Graph)

G2 = nx.Graph()
G2.add_edge(1, 2)

list(GraphMatcher(G1, G2).subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())

经过数小时的悲伤后回答我自己的问题。我希望这将是一个有趣的技术问题。事实证明这只是一个 运行 的普通命名问题!

NetworkX 定义子图同构如下:

If G'=(N',E') is a node-induced subgraph, then:

  • N' is a subset of N
  • E' is the subset of edges in E relating nodes in N'

(取自 networkx 内联 code comments。)

它定义了一个mono 态射如下:

If G'=(N',E') is a monomorphism, then:

  • N' is a subset of N
  • E' is a subset of the set of edges in E relating nodes in N'


Note that if G' is a node-induced subgraph of G, then it is always a subgraph monomorphism of G, but the opposite is not always true, as a monomorphism can have fewer edges.

换句话说,因为除了 G2 图所描述的以外,该图中还涉及其他边,因此 DiGraphMatcher 认为边集 E'等于E中边的子集相关节点在N'.

相反,E' 中的边是 E 中与 N' 中的节点相关的边集的 子集 ,因此networkx 将其称为 单态


from networkx.algorithms.isomorphism import DiGraphMatcher

G1 = nx.DiGraph()
G1.add_edge(1, 2)
G1.add_edge(2, 1)

G2 = nx.DiGraph()
G2.add_edge(1, 2)

print(list(DiGraphMatcher(G1, G2).subgraph_isomorphisms_iter()))
print(list(DiGraphMatcher(G1, G2).subgraph_monomorphisms_iter()))


[{1: 1, 2: 2}, {2: 1, 1: 2}] # subgraph MONOmorphism
[]                           # subgraph  ISOmorphism