可变长度 df 子采样函数 r

variable length df subsampling function r

我需要编写一个函数,涉及通过变量 n bins 对 df 进行子集化。比如,如果 n 为 2,则在两个 bin 中对 df 进行多次子采样(从上半部分开始,然后从下半部分开始)。如果 n 为 3,则在 3 个 bin 中进行子采样(第一个 1/3,第二个 1/3,第三个 1/3)。到目前为止,我一直在为不同长度的 n 手动执行此操作,而且我知道必须有更好的方法来执行此操作。我想将它写入一个以 n 作为输入的函数,但到目前为止我无法让它工作。代码如下。

# create df
df <- data.frame(year = c(1:46), 
                 sample = seq(from=10,to=30,length.out = 46) + rnorm(46,mean=0,sd=2) )
# real df has some NAs, so we'll add some here
df[c(20,32),2] <- NA

这个df是46年的采样。我想假装不是 46 个样本,我只取了 2 个,但是在上半年随机一年(1:23),在下半年随机一年(24:46)。

# to subset in 2 groups, say, 200 times
# I'll make a df of elements to sample
samplelist <- data.frame(firstsample = sample(1:(nrow(df)/2),200,replace = T), # first sample in first half of vector
                         secondsample = sample((nrow(df)/2):nrow(df),200, replace = T) )# second sample in second half of vector
samplelist <- as.matrix(samplelist)

# start a df to add to
plot_df <- df %>% mutate(first='all',
                               second = 'all',

# fill the df using coords from expand.grid
for(i in 1:nrow(samplelist)){

  plot_df <<- rbind(plot_df,
                          df[samplelist[i,] , ]   %>% 
                              first = samplelist[i,1],
                              second = samplelist[i,2],
                              group = i

(如果我们能让它跳过 "NA" 个样本年的样本,那就更好了)。


# to subset in 3 groups 200 times
# I'll make a df of elements to sample
samplelist <- data.frame(firstsample = sample(1:(nrow(df)/3),200,replace = T), # first sample in first 1/3
                         secondsample = sample(round(nrow(df)/3):round(nrow(df)*(2/3)),200, replace = T),  # second sample in second 1/3
                         thirdsample = sample(round(nrow(df)*(2/3)):nrow(df), 200, replace=T) # third sample in last 1/3
samplelist <- as.matrix(samplelist)

# start a df to add to
plot_df <- df %>% mutate(first='all',
                         second = 'all',
                         third = 'all',

# fill the df using coords from expand.grid
for(i in 1:nrow(samplelist)){

  plot_df <<- rbind(plot_df,
                    df[samplelist[i,] , ]   %>% 
                        first = samplelist[i,1],
                        second = samplelist[i,2],
                        third = samplelist[i,3],
                        group = i

但是,我想多次这样做,最多采样 20 次(所以在 20 个箱子中),所以这种手动方法是不可持续的。你能帮我写一个函数说 "pick one sample from n bins x times"?

顺便说一句,这是我用完整的 df 制作的情节:

plot_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=year,y=sample)) +

  geom_point(color="grey40") +

              method = "lm",
              show.legend = F) +
  geom_line(color="grey40") +

  geom_smooth(data = plot_df %>% filter(group %in% c("full")),
              method = "lm",
              # fill="grey40
              show.legend = F
  ) +

如果我没看错,下面的函数将你的 df 分成 n 个箱子,从每个箱子中抽取 x 个样本并将结果放回 df 的列中:



df <- data.frame(year = c(1:46), 
                 sample = seq(from=10,to=30,length.out = 46) + rnorm(46,mean=0,sd=2) )

get_df_sample <- function(df, n, x) {
  df %>% 
    # bin df in n bins of (approx.) equal length
    mutate(bin = ggplot2::cut_number(seq_len(nrow(.)), n, labels = seq_len(n))) %>% 
    # split by bin
    split(.$bin) %>%
    # sample x times from each bin
    map(~ .x[sample(seq_len(nrow(.x)), x, replace = TRUE),]) %>% 
    # keep only column "sample"
    map(~ select(.x, sample)) %>% 
    # Rename: Add number of df-bin from which sample is drawn
    imap(~ rename(.x, !!sym(paste0("sample_", .y)) := sample)) %>%
    # bind
    bind_cols() %>% 
    # Add group = rownames
    rownames_to_column(var = "group")
get_df_sample(df, 3, 200) %>% 
#>   sample_1 sample_2 sample_3 group
#> 1 12.58631 18.27561 24.74263     1
#> 2 19.46218 24.24423 23.44881     2
#> 3 12.92179 18.47367 27.40558     3
#> 4 15.22020 18.47367 26.29243     4
#> 5 12.58631 24.24423 24.43108     5
#> 6 19.46218 23.36464 27.40558     6

reprex package (v0.3.0)

于 2020-03-24 创建


df <- data.frame(year = c(1:46), 
                 sample = seq(from=10, to=30, length.out = 46) +

df[c(20,32), 2] <- NA
my_function <- function(n, sample_size, data = df) {

  plot_df <- data %>% mutate(group = 'full')

  sample_matrix <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = sample_size, ncol = n)

  first_row <- 1 # First subset has 1 as first row, no matter how many subsets

  for (i in 1:n) {

    last_row <- round(first_row + nrow(df)/n - 1) # Determine last row of i-th subset
    sample_matrix[, i] <- sample(first_row:last_row, sample_size, replace = T) # Store sample directly in matrix
    first_row <- i + last_row # Determine first row for next i

    group_name <- paste("group", i, sep = "_") # Column name for i-th group
    plot_df[[group_name]] <- "all" # Column for i-th group


  for (j in 1:sample_size) {

    # Creating a new data frame for new observations
    new_obs <- df[sample_matrix[j,], ]
    new_obs[["group"]] <- j
    for (group_n in 1:n) {
      new_obs[[paste0("group_", group_n)]] <- sample_matrix[j, group_n]
    plot_df <- rbind(plot_df, new_obs) 
    plot_df <<- plot_df


my_function(2, 200, data = df)