将 .drop 与 Pandas 一起使用以按值删除单行

Using .drop with Pandas to drop a single row by a value


为此,我尝试通过拉取具有重复行的行来制作重复数据框,以便更容易执行 if else 语句。因为当我发送电子邮件时,它会多次在不同的电子邮件中发送相同的值,所以我尝试这样做,所以每次发送电子邮件时,它都会删除它使用的值的行。


import smtplib
import pandas as pd
import ssl
import xlrd

your_name = "Name Here"
your_email = "Email you using here"
your_password = "password to email here"
cc = input("Email of person you want to cc in email: ")

# for gmail change smtp-mail.outlook.com to smtp.gmail.com, 465
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp-mail.outlook.com', 587)
server.login(your_email, your_password)

data = [['bob', 'testemail@gmail.com', 'howdy'], ['joe', 
'testemail@gmail.com', 'hi'], ['bill', 'testemail@gmail.com', 'hey'], 
['bob', 'testemail@gmail.com', 'hola'],['bob', 'testemail@gmail.com',    
'hello'], ['josh', 'testemail@gmail.com', 'yo'], ['austin', 
'testemail@gmail.com', 'cya']

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Pending Action From', 'Email', 

all_names = email_list['Pending Action From']
all_emails = email_list['Email']
all_values = email_list['values']

# Takes duplicate row based off same name
duplicateRowsDF = email_list[email_list.duplicated(['Pending Action From'])]
duplicateRowsDF.to_excel('DuplicateQARList.xlsx', index=False)
duplicateRowsDF = pd.read_excel('DuplicateQARList.xlsx')

# removes duplicate row based off same name and keeps first same name
email_list.drop_duplicates(subset='Pending Action From', keep="first", inplace=True)

# email_list.to_excel('TestQARList.xlsx')

duplicate_values = duplicateRowsDF['value']
duplicate_names = duplicateRowsDF['Pending Action From']

 # Create the email to send
def full_email():
    full_email = ("From: {0} <{1}>\n"
                  "To: {2} <{3}>\n"
                  "Cc: {4}\n"
                  "Subject: {5}\n\n"
                  .format(your_name, your_email, name, email, cc, 
subject, message))
# Create the email to send

# In the email field, you can add multiple other emails if you want
# all of them to receive the same text
    server.sendmail(your_email, [email], full_email)
    print('Email to {} successfully sent!\n\n'.format(email))
except Exception as e:
    print('Email to {} could not be sent :( because {}\n\n'.format(email, str(e)))

for idx in range(len(email_list)):

    email = all_emails[idx]
    name = all_names[idx]
    value = all_values[idx]

    for i in range(len(duplicateRowsDF)):

        duplicate_value = duplicate_values[i]
        duplicate_name = duplicate_names[i]

        if name == duplicate_name and value != duplicate_value and duplicate_names[i] == duplicate_names[i]:

            message = value, duplicate_values[i]

            email_list = email_list.drop(value)

# Close the smtp server

Example of data frames made, it takes duplicates with the same name in the pending action from row and puts those rows in another data frame.

It only took two, but its supposed to take the data from all name values that are duplicate. It sends one email same their are duplicates of the same person, but it takes all the separate values for that one person.

在这种情况下,您似乎想要为每个值列出所有行值,因此与其逐个处理并删除它们,您可以聚合它们并使用 pop 如果你想删除每个,或者只对分组数据框进行操作

df.groupby(['Pending Action From','Email'], as_index=False).agg(list)

    Pending Action From Email   values
0   austin  testemail@gmail.com [cya]
1   bill    testemail@gmail.com [hey]
2   bob testemail@gmail.com [howdy, hola, hello]
3   joe testemail@gmail.com [hi]
4   josh    testemail@gmail.com [yo]