使用机器人模式的 XCUITest 无法打印错误行

XCUITest using Robot pattern can't print the erroneous line

我正在尝试重构我的项目的 UI 测试以使用机器人模式。但它似乎无法显示代码中的哪一行是错误的。这是屏幕截图:

如您所见,testShowAppHealthAndBackWithoutRobot() 可以用红线显示错误,而 testShowAppHealthAndBack() 不会。


class Robot {
    let app: XCUIApplication

    init(app: XCUIApplication) {
        self.app = app

    func tap(_ element: XCUIElement, timeout: TimeInterval = 5) {
        guard assertExists(element, timeout: timeout), element.isHittable else {
            XCTFail("Element: \(element) is not hittable!")

    func assertExists(_ element: XCUIElement, timeout: TimeInterval = 5) -> Bool {
        guard element.waitForExistence(timeout: timeout) else {
            XCTFail("Element: \(element) does not exist!")
            return false
        return true

    func assertExists(_ elements: [XCUIElement], timeout: TimeInterval = 5) {
        for _ in 0 ... Int(timeout) {
            if elements.filter({ [=10=].exists == false }).isEmpty {
            Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1)
        XCTFail("Elements: \(elements) do not exist!")

class MainPageRobot: Robot {
    lazy var mainTitleText = app.staticTexts["My App"]
    lazy var appHealthButton = app.buttons["App Health"]

    func isInMainPageViewController() -> Self {
        _ = assertExists(mainTitleText)
        return self
    func tapAppHealthButton() -> Self {
        return self

class AppHealthRobot: Robot {
    lazy var navigationTitle = app.navigationBars["App Health"].staticTexts["App Health"]
    lazy var backButton = app.staticTexts["Red this shit up"]

    func isInAppHealthViewController() -> Self {
        assertExists(navigationTitle, line: line)
        return self

    func tapBackButton() -> Self {
        return self


使用 XCTAssert (XCTFail) 调用添加实用程序函数时,您应该传递 fileline 参数。


func verify(something: Bool, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
     XCTAssertTrue(something, file: file, line: line)

func testVerify() {
    verify(false) // This line would be marked as failed