Racket 中作为参数的比较函数
Comparison Function as Parameter in Racket
我在 Racket 中实现了如下选择排序:
#lang racket
(define (selection-sort lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) '()]
[else (define first (apply min lst))
(cons first (selection-sort(remove first lst)))]))
(selection-sort (list 5 4 3))
但是我被要求在我的函数中加入一个比较函数和我的列表,并且选择排序应该 return 根据比较函数以升序排列的列表。
话虽如此,我们可以通过编写自己的接收任意比较函数的 min
来调整代码以接收比较函数 - 因为隐含地,min
使用 <
(define (selection-sort lst cmp)
(cond [(empty? lst) '()]
[else (define amin (mymin cmp lst))
(cons amin (selection-sort (remove amin lst) cmp))]))
(define (mymin cmp lst)
; assuming non-empty list
(cond [(empty? (rest lst))
(first lst)]
; call the recursion
[else (define amin (mymin cmp (rest lst)))
; use the comparison function
(cond [(cmp (first lst) amin) (first lst)]
[else amin])]))
; ascending order, this was the default behavior
(selection-sort (list 5 4 3) <)
=> '(3 4 5)
; same as above
(selection-sort (list 5 4 3) (lambda (x y) (< x y)))
=> '(3 4 5)
; descending order
(selection-sort (list 5 4 3) >)
=> '(5 4 3)
我在 Racket 中实现了如下选择排序:
#lang racket
(define (selection-sort lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) '()]
[else (define first (apply min lst))
(cons first (selection-sort(remove first lst)))]))
(selection-sort (list 5 4 3))
但是我被要求在我的函数中加入一个比较函数和我的列表,并且选择排序应该 return 根据比较函数以升序排列的列表。
话虽如此,我们可以通过编写自己的接收任意比较函数的 min
来调整代码以接收比较函数 - 因为隐含地,min
使用 <
(define (selection-sort lst cmp)
(cond [(empty? lst) '()]
[else (define amin (mymin cmp lst))
(cons amin (selection-sort (remove amin lst) cmp))]))
(define (mymin cmp lst)
; assuming non-empty list
(cond [(empty? (rest lst))
(first lst)]
; call the recursion
[else (define amin (mymin cmp (rest lst)))
; use the comparison function
(cond [(cmp (first lst) amin) (first lst)]
[else amin])]))
; ascending order, this was the default behavior
(selection-sort (list 5 4 3) <)
=> '(3 4 5)
; same as above
(selection-sort (list 5 4 3) (lambda (x y) (< x y)))
=> '(3 4 5)
; descending order
(selection-sort (list 5 4 3) >)
=> '(5 4 3)