
Which class does this c# File belongs to

我正在尝试通过 ActionResult return 文件内容。但是,我找不到 File() 函数属于哪个库。所以 File(..) 是无效的。文件属于哪个图书馆?我需要添加它。它属于system.web.mvc吗?但我在 System.Web.Mvc.

        public virtual ActionResult Download(string fileGuid,string fileName)
            Guid guid = new Guid(fileGuid);
            if (store[guid].Ready != 0)
                byte[] data = store[guid].Data as byte[];

                // The File here is not valid, I can't find which library it belong to
                return File(data, "application/vnd.ms-excel",fileName);
                return new EmptyResult();

这可能取决于确切的目标框架,但是:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ControllerBase 上有一系列 public virtual FileContentResult File(...) 重载,如果您的控制器继承自那个 。或者,您可以直接使用 new FileContentResult(...),从 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc - 全部在 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.dll.