在 InDesign 2020 中从 AppleScript 执行 ExtendScript

Executing ExtendScript from AppleScript in InDesign 2020

我正在尝试使用 do script 命令通过 AppleScript 打开并执行 JSX 脚本,如 Adobe InDesign Scripting Guide on this page 和互联网上其他地方所述:

The do script method gives a script a way to execute another script. The script can be a string of valid scripting code or a file on disk.


tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
    set jsx_script to "Macintosh HD:Users:xxx:project:script.jsx"
    set val_1 to "Foo"
    set val_2 to "Bar"
    set my_values to {val_1, val_2}
    do script jsx_script language javascript with arguments my_values
end tell


#target "InDesign"


function testFunc(t) {
    alert('argument one: ' + t[0] + '\r' + 'argument two: ' + t[1]);

但是没有用。我收到 "Expected end of line, etc. but found “script”." 语法错误。这是否意味着不再支持 do script?我的环境是 macOS 10.15.3 和 InDesign 2020 (15.0.2)。感谢您的指点。

问题已通过更新到 macOS 10.15.4 自行解决。