Highcharts-React 获取图表的Base64 PNG
Highcharts-React Get Base64 PNG of chart
我希望将图表导出传递给特别需要 PNG 或 JPG 的组件 - 因此 SVG 很遗憾无法工作。
在其他 SO 答案的帮助下-我能够使用以下代码获得 SVG Base64:
let link = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(this.lineChartRef.current.CHART.current.chart.getSVG());
有什么方法可以获取 PNG base64 格式吗?或者 React 中是否有一种有效的方法可以将此 SVG base64 转换为 PNG?
感谢@ppotaczek 转发 [this SO post][1],我能够为 React 创建以下解决方案。希望它将来对其他人有所帮助!
//Start by calling the chart options (using refs) into a variable and JSON stringify
let chartoptions = this.lineChartRef.current.BrokerChart.current.chart.userOptions
chartoptions = JSON.stringify(chartoptions)
//Create a data body with the following parameters
let data = {
options: chartoptions,
filename: 'LineChart',
async: true
let url = "https://export.highcharts.com/"
let returnedimageurl = ""
//setState will be called within the Axios return so "This" must
let self = this
method: 'post',
url: 'https://export.highcharts.com/',
data: data,
.then(function (response) {
returnedimageurl= url +response.data
activityChartPng: url
}, self.allowDownload())
.catch(function (response) {
//handle error
//The activityChartPvg state can then be passed as props to the React-PDF component
我希望将图表导出传递给特别需要 PNG 或 JPG 的组件 - 因此 SVG 很遗憾无法工作。
在其他 SO 答案的帮助下-我能够使用以下代码获得 SVG Base64:
let link = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(this.lineChartRef.current.CHART.current.chart.getSVG());
有什么方法可以获取 PNG base64 格式吗?或者 React 中是否有一种有效的方法可以将此 SVG base64 转换为 PNG?
感谢@ppotaczek 转发 [this SO post][1],我能够为 React 创建以下解决方案。希望它将来对其他人有所帮助!
//Start by calling the chart options (using refs) into a variable and JSON stringify
let chartoptions = this.lineChartRef.current.BrokerChart.current.chart.userOptions
chartoptions = JSON.stringify(chartoptions)
//Create a data body with the following parameters
let data = {
options: chartoptions,
filename: 'LineChart',
async: true
let url = "https://export.highcharts.com/"
let returnedimageurl = ""
//setState will be called within the Axios return so "This" must
let self = this
method: 'post',
url: 'https://export.highcharts.com/',
data: data,
.then(function (response) {
returnedimageurl= url +response.data
activityChartPng: url
}, self.allowDownload())
.catch(function (response) {
//handle error
//The activityChartPvg state can then be passed as props to the React-PDF component