在同一函数内调用在 R 中的函数内创建的分配变量

Calling an assigned variable created within a function in R, within the same function

我正在编写一个函数来解决数独难题。此函数的一部分将用于将矩阵拆分为三个 9x3 矩阵。然后,在将矩阵重新加入一个大矩阵之前,我将对每个矩阵执行操作。


  1. 将矩阵拆分为三个矩阵
  2. 为每个创建的矩阵命名
  3. 在同一个函数中调用新矩阵

但是,我在第 3 步中遇到了困难。我编写了一个函数,它将矩阵分成三个,为每个新矩阵命名,如果我在行 envir = globalenv() 中输入,函数会执行 return 我的矩阵分成三个 9x3 矩阵,每个矩阵都有自己的标识符名称。太棒了!

但是,我想在函数的下一部分中调用函数的第 1 步和第 2 步创建的新矩阵。在 运行 函数之前我不知道矩阵的名称,因为我希望代码可用于许多矩阵,无论大小如何。

有没有一种方法可以在 main 函数中调用由 assign 函数创建的对象,而我所知道的只是对象的名称将是 "mat_n",其中 n 是一个整数。


m <- matrix(sample(c(0:9), 81, replace = T), ncol = 9, nrow = 9)

matrix_split <- function(x){

  i <- 1:length(x[, 1])
  a <- 1:sum(i %% 3 == 0) # Will be used to name the temporary matrices
  b <- which(i %% 3 == 0) # Will be used to identify where to split main matrix

  for(n in a){  # This is to create a number of smaller matrices depending on the
                # number multiples of 3 that are present in the length of the object.

    nam <- paste("mat_", n, sep = "") # Each new matrix will be named and numbered
                                      # using the assign function below:

    assign(nam, x[, c((b[a[n]] - (sum(i %% 3 == 0) - 1)) : b[a[n]])])

    # Not a very elegant way of using the loop to split the matrix into blocks of
    # three. b[a[n]] returns either 3, 6 or 9, and (sum(i %% == 3) -1 ) = 2. So this
    # will return x[, c(1:3)], x[, c(4:6)] and x[, c(7:9)], when spliting the matrix
    # into three.






使用 lsparent.frame 怎么样?

mat_4 <- matrix(LETTERS[1:16],nrow=4)
test <- function(){
# [1] "mat_4"
#      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,] "A"  "E"  "I"  "M" 
# [2,] "B"  "F"  "J"  "N" 
# [3,] "C"  "G"  "K"  "O" 
# [4,] "D"  "H"  "L"  "P" 




matrix_split <- function(x){
  i <- 1:length(x[, 1])
  a <- 1:sum(i %% 3 == 0) 
  b <- which(i %% 3 == 0)
  #initialize list
  result <- list()
  for(n in a){  
    # assign submatrix to element in the list
    result[[n]] <- x[, c((b[a[n]] - (sum(i %% 3 == 0) - 1)) : b[a[n]])]

      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9]
 [1,]    6    4    2    9    1    2    8    0    4
 [2,]    8    5    5    8    6    1    3    7    8
 [3,]    4    7    1    8    3    6    6    0    6
 [4,]    3    0    5    0    6    3    2    3    9
 [5,]    0    9    7    7    0    1    5    3    2
 [6,]    0    8    8    9    9    8    4    9    8
 [7,]    6    0    2    9    9    2    4    8    9
 [8,]    6    9    6    4    8    1    2    1    1
 [9,]    8    4    6    8    5    0    9    5    9