立体视觉 3D 重建:关于图像校正的澄清

Stereo vision 3D reconstruction: clarification about image rectification

给定一对来自校准相机的立体图像,人们通常想要应用校正。正如 Loop 和 Zhang (link) 在 "Computing Rectifying Homographies for Stereo Vision" 中所述:

In general, epipolar lines are not aligned with coordinate axis and are not parallel. Such searches are time consuming since we must compare pixels on skew lines in image space. These types of algorithms can be simplified and made more efficient if epipolar lines are axis aligned and parallel. This can be realized by applying 2D projective transforms, or homographies, to each image. This process is known as image rectification. The pixels corresponding to point features from a rectified image pair will lie on the same horizontal scan-line and differ only in horizontal displacement.

要进行 3D 重建,必须 运行 一种图像匹配算法,以解决著名的 对应问题

匹配算法是应用于原始图像还是应用于校正后的图像? 事实上矫正引入的失真可能会导致模式识别失败,对吧?

如果有任何参考资料,请分享。 谢谢

大多数匹配算法(如 "semi global block matching",在 opencv 中使用)需要校正立体图像对才能正常运行。 因此将匹配算法应用于校正后的图像。

校正实际上做的是扭曲图像,使得两幅图像中的对极线 运行 水平。也就是说,两幅图像中的物体经过矫正后都在一幅竖直图像中。这样匹配算法只需要检查沿图像线的对应关系而不是整个图像。


更多信息的可能来源可能是 "Hartley, Richard, and Andrew Zisserman. Multiple view geometry in computer vision. Cambridge university press, 2003."