vee 验证导入规则获取参数

vee validate import rules getting parmeter


extend('min', { ...min, message: 'The {_field_} field must have at least {_min_} characters'})

当字段无效时,不返回 _min_ 变量参数。我如何访问该参数


  1. 最小规则使用length而不是min作为参数名称(reference)

  2. 参数字段未被下划线包围 - 按照 the documentation - 见下文:

One thing to note is that the parameter placeholder doesn't have underscores _ around it unlike the {_field_} placeholder. This is a convention of vee-validate as there are special set of placeholders that have underscores around them. This is to prevent collisions and to make them distinct from rule parameters.


extend('min', { 
    message: 'The {_field_} field must have at least {length} characters'