std::launder 使用就地多态容器

std::launder with inplace polymorphic containers

我正在用 C++ 为 Game Boy Advance 做一个有点不平凡的项目,并且作为一个完全没有内存管理的有限平台,我试图避免调用 malloc 和动态分配。为此,我已经实现了相当多的调用,"inplace polymorphic containers",它存储从 Base class 派生的类型的对象(在类型模板中参数化),并且然后我有 new 对象的函数,并使用完美转发来调用适当的构造函数。例如,其中一个容器如下所示(也可以访问 here):

// PointerInterfaceContainer.hpp
// Provides a class that can effectively allocate objects derived from a
// base class and expose them as pointers from that base
#pragma once

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>
#include "type_traits.hpp"

template <typename Base, std::size_t Size>
class alignas(max_align_t) PointerInterfaceContainer
        "PointerInterfaceContainer will not work without a Base that is default constructible!");
        "PointerInterfaceContainer will not work properly without virtual destructors!");
    static_assert(sizeof(Base) >= sizeof(std::intptr_t),
        "PointerInterfaceContainer must not be smaller than a pointer");

    std::byte storage[Size];

    PointerInterfaceContainer() { new (storage) Base(); }

    template <typename Derived, typename... Ts>
    void assign(Ts&&... ts)
        static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<Base, Derived>,
            "The Derived class must be derived from Base!");
        static_assert(sizeof(Derived) <= Size,
            "The Derived class is too big to fit in that PointerInterfaceContainer");
        static_assert(!is_virtual_base_of_v<Base, Derived>,
            "PointerInterfaceContainer does not work properly with virtual base classes!");

        new (storage) Derived(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...);

    void clear() { assign<Base>(); }

    PointerInterfaceContainer(const PointerInterfaceContainer&) = delete;
    PointerInterfaceContainer(PointerInterfaceContainer&&) = delete;
    PointerInterfaceContainer &operator=(PointerInterfaceContainer) = delete;

    Base* operator->() { return reinterpret_cast<Base*>(storage); }
    const Base* operator->() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Base*>(storage); }

    Base& operator*() { return *reinterpret_cast<Base*>(storage); }
    const Base& operator*() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const Base*>(storage); }



Base* operator->() { return reinterpret_cast<Base*>(storage); }
const Base* operator->() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Base*>(storage); }

Base& operator*() { return *reinterpret_cast<Base*>(storage); }
const Base& operator*() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const Base*>(storage); }

特别是如果 Derived 有问题(或 Base 本身)有 const 成员或引用。我要问的是关于 std::launder 的使用的一般准则,不仅针对这个(和另一个)容器。你觉得怎么样?

因此,建议的解决方案之一是添加一个指针来接收 new (storage) Derived(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...); 的内容,如图所示:

// PointerInterfaceContainer.hpp
// Provides a class that can effectively allocate objects derived from a
// base class and expose them as pointers from that base
#pragma once

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "type_traits.hpp"

template <typename Base, std::size_t Size>
class alignas(max_align_t) PointerInterfaceContainer
        "PointerInterfaceContainer will not work without a Base that is default constructible!");
        "PointerInterfaceContainer will not work properly without virtual destructors!");
    static_assert(sizeof(Base) >= sizeof(std::intptr_t),
        "PointerInterfaceContainer must not be smaller than a pointer");

    // This pointer will, in 100% of the cases, point to storage
    // because the codebase won't have any Derived from which Base
    // isn't the primary base class, but it needs to be there because
    // casting storage to Base* is undefined behavior
    Base *curObject;
    std::byte storage[Size];

    PointerInterfaceContainer() { curObject = new (storage) Base(); }

    template <typename Derived, typename... Ts>
    void assign(Ts&&... ts)
        static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<Base, Derived>,
            "The Derived class must be derived from Base!");
        static_assert(sizeof(Derived) <= Size,
            "The Derived class is too big to fit in that PointerInterfaceContainer");
        static_assert(!is_virtual_base_of_v<Base, Derived>,
            "PointerInterfaceContainer does not work properly with virtual base classes!");

        curObject = new (storage) Derived(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...);

    void clear() { assign<Base>(); }

    PointerInterfaceContainer(const PointerInterfaceContainer&) = delete;
    PointerInterfaceContainer(PointerInterfaceContainer&&) = delete;
    PointerInterfaceContainer &operator=(PointerInterfaceContainer) = delete;

    Base* operator->() { return curObject; }
    const Base* operator->() const { return curObject; }

    Base& operator*() { return *curObject; }
    const Base& operator*() const { return *curObject; }


但这基本上意味着代码中每个 PointerInterfaceContainer 字节的开销 sizeof(void*) 字节(在所讨论的体系结构中为 4)。这似乎不是很多,但如果我想填充 1024 个容器,每个容器有 128 个字节,这个开销会加起来。另外,它需要第二次内存访问才能访问指针,并且假设在 99% 的情况下,Derived 将以 Base 作为主要基础 class(这意味着 static_cast<Derved*>(curObject)curObject 是相同的位置),这意味着指针将始终指向 storage,这意味着所有开销都是完全不必要的。



将在数组到指针衰减后指向,不是 指针可相互转换的 与位于该地址的任何 Base 对象。数组元素 提供存储 和它为其提供存储的对象之间绝不会出现这种情况。

Pointer-interconvertibility 基本上只适用于在标准布局 classes 和它们的 members/bases 之间转换指针(并且仅在特殊情况下)。这些是唯一不需要 std::launder 的情况。



因此,您必须 始终 在您目前使用 reinterpret_cast 的所有情况下使用 std::launder。例如:




但是请注意,从 C++ 标准的角度来看,您尝试做的事情仍然不能保证有效,并且没有强制执行它的标准方法。

你的 class Base 需要一个虚拟析构函数。这意味着 Base 和所有从它派生的 class 不是 standard-layout。非标准布局的 class 实际上无法保证其布局。这意味着您无法保证 Derived 对象的地址等于 Base 子对象的地址,无论您如何让 Derived 继承自 Base

如果地址不匹配,std::launder 将有未定义的行为,因为在您完成 new(storage) Derived 后该地址将不会有 Base 对象。

因此您需要依靠 ABI 规范来确保 Base 子对象的地址将等于 Derived 对象的地址。