
How to do draw animation effect fill SVG?

我正在尝试为 SVG 徽标制作动画,就像绘制没有描边的填充路径一样。我的徽标看起来像那样。

是否可以创建填充图而不是笔划?我看到了很多解决方案,但都是笔画使用的。我还发现 与我的问题非常相似。但是我的 SVG 路径有点复杂,无法创建具有他们创建的类似笔划的假路径。我想让它从无到有,并用填充绘制动画效果。

我的完整 SVG 代码在这里

    viewBox="0 0 184 90.733"
      data-name="Path 1"
      transform="translate(52 -300)"


因此,无法使用 stroke-dasharray
为其填充颜色设置动画 考虑创建一个在形状中间运行的单一轮廓。



.container {
.draw-logo {

animation: draw 4s linear  forwards;
animation-iteration-count: 2;

@keyframes draw {
0% {stroke-dasharray: 0,425;}
100% {stroke-dasharray: 425,0;}
<div class="container">
<svg id="svg1" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="logo-white" width="184" height="95" viewBox="0 0 184 90.7" version="1.1">
 <path class="draw-logo" d="m81.3 30.4c0 0-11.7-9.8-17.5-13-3.8-2.2-9.9-4.6-15.3-5-5.7-0.4-11.7 0.4-16.8 2.9-4.8 2.3-8.7 6.3-11.8 10.7-3.2 4.5-5.6 9.8-6.3 15.2-0.9 6.2-0.4 12.9 2.3 18.6 2.7 5.7 7.5 10.6 12.9 13.8 5.2 3.1 11.6 4.8 17.7 4.5 5.8-0.2 11.6-2.7 16.6-5.7 21.6-13.1 34.2-37.9 55.1-52.2 5.8-4 12.1-8.3 19-9.1 5.7-0.6 11.9 0.9 16.8 3.9 6.7 4.1 12.3 10.6 15.2 17.9 2.8 6.9 3.4 15.1 1.4 22.2-1.8 6.3-6 12.2-11.3 16.1-6.3 4.6-14.5 7.8-22.2 7C127.1 77.2 118.6 70.3 111.3 63.7 104.7 57.8 95.9 42 95.9 42" />

动画 SVG


.container {
.draw-logo {

<div class="container">
<svg id="svg1" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="logo-white" width="184" height="95" viewBox="0 0 184 90.7" version="1.1">
  <path class="draw-logo" d="m81.3 30.4c0 0-11.7-9.8-17.5-13-3.8-2.2-9.9-4.6-15.3-5-5.7-0.4-11.7 0.4-16.8 2.9-4.8 2.3-8.7 6.3-11.8 10.7-3.2 4.5-5.6 9.8-6.3 15.2-0.9 6.2-0.4 12.9 2.3 18.6 2.7 5.7 7.5 10.6 12.9 13.8 5.2 3.1 11.6 4.8 17.7 4.5 5.8-0.2 11.6-2.7 16.6-5.7 21.6-13.1 34.2-37.9 55.1-52.2 5.8-4 12.1-8.3 19-9.1 5.7-0.6 11.9 0.9 16.8 3.9 6.7 4.1 12.3 10.6 15.2 17.9 2.8 6.9 3.4 15.1 1.4 22.2-1.8 6.3-6 12.2-11.3 16.1-6.3 4.6-14.5 7.8-22.2 7C127.1 77.2 118.6 70.3 111.3 63.7 104.7 57.8 95.9 42 95.9 42" >
  <animate attributeName="stroke-dasharray" begin="svg1.click+0.5s" dur="4s" values="0,425;425,0" repeatCount="2" fill="freeze" /> 


.container {
<div class="container">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"  viewBox="0 0 100 100">
  <path fill="none" d="M24.3 30C11.4 30 5 43.3 5 50s6.4 20 19.3 20c19.3 0 32.1-40 51.4-40C88.6 30 95 43.3 95 50s-6.4 20-19.3 20C56.4 70 43.6 30 24.3 30z" stroke="#d3d3d3" stroke-width="10"  />  
       <!-- The midpoint of the beginning of the animation in the center of the figure. stroke-dashoffset="31.1" -->
 <path id="center" fill="none" d="M24.3 30C11.4 30 5 43.3 5 50s6.4 20 19.3 20c19.3 0 32.1-40 51.4-40C88.6 30 95 43.3 95 50s-6.4 20-19.3 20C56.4 70 43.6 30 24.3 30z" stroke="crimson" stroke-width="10" stroke-dashoffset="31.1" stroke-dasharray="0 128.5" >  
      <animate  attributeName="stroke-dasharray" values="0 128.5 0 128.5;0 0 257 0" begin="btn_C.click" dur="4s" restart="whenNotActive" /> 
   <!-- Middle point on the left stroke-dashoffset="-159.5" -->
     <path id="Left" fill="none" d="M24.3 30C11.4 30 5 43.3 5 50s6.4 20 19.3 20c19.3 0 32.1-40 51.4-40C88.6 30 95 43.3 95 50s-6.4 20-19.3 20C56.4 70 43.6 30 24.3 30z" stroke="yellowgreen" stroke-width="10" stroke-dashoffset="-159.5" stroke-dasharray="0 128.5" >  
      <animate attributeName="stroke-dasharray" values="0 128.5 0 128.5;0 0 257 0" begin="btn_L.click" dur="4s"  restart="whenNotActive" /> 
    <!-- Midpoint left top stroke-dashoffset="128.5" -->
     <path id="Top" fill="none" d="M24.3 30C11.4 30 5 43.3 5 50s6.4 20 19.3 20c19.3 0 32.1-40 51.4-40C88.6 30 95 43.3 95 50s-6.4 20-19.3 20C56.4 70 43.6 30 24.3 30z" stroke="gold" stroke-width="10" stroke-dashoffset="128.5" stroke-dasharray="0 128.5" >  
      <animate attributeName="stroke-dasharray" values="0 128.5 0 128.5;0 0 257 0" begin="btn_T.click" dur="4s"  restart="whenNotActive" /> 
     <!-- Midpoint lower right  stroke-dashoffset="192.7" -->
  <path id="Bottom" fill="none" d="M24.3 30C11.4 30 5 43.3 5 50s6.4 20 19.3 20c19.3 0 32.1-40 51.4-40C88.6 30 95 43.3 95 50s-6.4 20-19.3 20C56.4 70 43.6 30 24.3 30z" stroke="dodgerblue" stroke-width="10" stroke-dashoffset="192.7" stroke-dasharray="0 128.5" >  
      <animate attributeName="stroke-dasharray" values="0 128.5 0 128.5;0 0 257 0" begin="btn_B.click" dur="4s"  restart="whenNotActive" /> 
        <!-- Middle point on the right   stroke-dashoffset="223.9" -->
  <path id="Bottom" fill="none" d="M24.3 30C11.4 30 5 43.3 5 50s6.4 20 19.3 20c19.3 0 32.1-40 51.4-40C88.6 30 95 43.3 95 50s-6.4 20-19.3 20C56.4 70 43.6 30 24.3 30z" stroke="purple" stroke-width="10" stroke-dashoffset="223.9" stroke-dasharray="0 128.5" >  
      <animate attributeName="stroke-dasharray" values="0 128.5 0 128.5;0 0 257 0" begin="btn_R.click" dur="4s"  restart="whenNotActive" /> 
 <g id="btn_L" transform="translate(-17 0)" >
      <rect x="20" y="84" width="15" height="15" rx="7.5" fill="none" stroke="#B2B2B2"/>
      <text x="25" y="95" font-size="10" fill="green" >L</text>
 <g id="btn_C" transform="translate(3 0)">
      <rect x="20" y="84" width="15" height="15" rx="7.5" fill="none" stroke="#B2B2B2"/>
      <text x="24" y="95" font-size="10" fill="crimson" >C</text>
     <g id="btn_T" transform="translate(23 0)">
      <rect x="20" y="84" width="15" height="15" rx="7.5" fill="none" stroke="#B2B2B2"/>
      <text x="24" y="95" font-size="10" fill="orange" >T</text>
  <g id="btn_B" transform="translate(43 0)">
 <rect x="20" y="84" width="15" height="15" rx="7.5" fill="none" stroke="#B2B2B2"/>
  <text x="25" y="95" font-size="10" fill="dodgerblue" >B</text>
      <g id="btn_R" transform="translate(63 0)">
     <rect x="20" y="84" width="15" height="15" rx="7.5" fill="none" stroke="#B2B2B2"/>
       <text x="25" y="95" font-size="10" fill="purple" >R</text>

Because your SVG file is not in the same shape as my logo. can you please tell me how can I modify the path to achieve the exact same shape. I don't have much knowledge about the illustrator by the way.

不幸的是我没有使用插画家。在 Inkscape


打开上一个答案的文件以编辑 Inkscape 中的 path 表单

<svg id="svg1" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="logo-white" width="184" height="95" viewBox="0 0 184 90.7" version="1.1">
  <path class="draw-logo" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="25" d="m81.3 30.4c0 0-11.7-9.8-17.5-13-3.8-2.2-9.9-4.6-15.3-5-5.7-0.4-11.7 0.4-16.8 2.9-4.8 2.3-8.7 6.3-11.8 10.7-3.2 4.5-5.6 9.8-6.3 15.2-0.9 6.2-0.4 12.9 2.3 18.6 2.7 5.7 7.5 10.6 12.9 13.8 5.2 3.1 11.6 4.8 17.7 4.5 5.8-0.2 11.6-2.7 16.6-5.7 21.6-13.1 34.2-37.9 55.1-52.2 5.8-4 12.1-8.3 19-9.1 5.7-0.6 11.9 0.9 16.8 3.9 6.7 4.1 12.3 10.6 15.2 17.9 2.8 6.9 3.4 15.1 1.4 22.2-1.8 6.3-6 12.2-11.3 16.1-6.3 4.6-14.5 7.8-22.2 7C127.1 77.2 118.6 70.3 111.3 63.7 104.7 57.8 95.9 42 95.9 42" />

  1. Select工具栏上的矢量编辑器Edit contour nodesF2(红色箭头-1)
  2. 通过拖动节点来编辑曲线的形状并改变节点控制杆的长度和位置(箭头红色-2)

  3. 矢量编辑器节省了大量开销信息。要删除它,您需要使用 SVG Editor

  4. 优化保存的文件
  5. 用优化文件

  6. 中的新文件替换旧文件 path

.container {
.draw-logo {
animation: draw 4s linear  forwards;
animation-iteration-count: 2;
@keyframes draw {
0% {stroke-dasharray: 0,443;}
100% {stroke-dasharray: 443,0;}
<div class="container">
<svg id="svg1" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="logo-white" width="184" height="95" viewBox="0 0 184 90.7" version="1.1">
   <path class="draw-logo" d="m78 34.5c0 0-1.3-1.3-1.9-2.1C74.8 30.9 73.8 29.1 72.7 27.4 71.4 26.2 61.9 10.9 46.6 11.2c-5.1 0.1-10.4 1.5-14.9 4-4.7 2.5-8.8 6.3-11.8 10.7-2.6 3.9-4.3 8.5-4.9 13.1-0.9 6.7-0.5 13.9 2.1 20.2 2.4 5.7 6.5 11 11.6 14.3 5.1 3.3 11.6 4.8 17.7 4.5 5.8-0.2 11.6-2.7 16.6-5.7 21.6-13.1 34.1-38 55.1-52.2 5.4-3.7 11.4-7.3 17.9-8.2 6-0.8 12.6 0 17.9 2.9 6.8 3.9 12.3 10.6 15.2 17.9 2.8 6.9 3.4 15.1 1.4 22.2-1.8 6.3-6 12.2-11.3 16.1-6.3 4.6-14.5 8.1-22.2 7-9.7-1.3-20-7.4-24.5-16.1-2.7-5.3-4-10.1-4.4-15.4-0.4-4.7 0.5-11 1.6-14.1 1.9-5.2 8.5-12.4 8.5-12.4" />