Javascript Photoshop:更改现有文本层的文本颜色的语法
Javascript Photoshop: Syntax for changing text color of an already existing text layer
我创建了一个 photoshop 动作,可以将一串白色文本添加到照片中。在此操作中,我编写了一个脚本,用于扩展 canvas 大小并调整额外 canvas space 中的文本大小以适合图像的尺寸,创建 'text tab'照片。但是,在执行动作和脚本之后,选项卡中的文本颜色往往……不是白色。
#target photoshop
var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.INCHES;
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var layer = doc.activeLayer;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
//create the color for the tab extension
var black = new SolidColor();
black.rgb.hexValue = "111111";
app.backgroundColor = black;
//*****************************FOR EXTENDING CANVAS AND POSITIONING/RESIZING THE TEXT LAYER*********************************
var orgWidth = doc.width;
var orgHeight = doc.height;
if(orgWidth>orgHeight) //if document is landscape, resize text to fill a smaller portion of the tab
doc.resizeCanvas(doc.width, (orgHeight + orgWidth*.04), AnchorPosition.TOPCENTER);
layer.translate(undefined, new UnitValue(0-layer.bounds[1].as('px'),'px'));
layer.translate(undefined, orgHeight);
layer.translate(undefined, (orgWidth*.02-((layer.bounds[3]-layer.bounds[1])/2.3)));
else //otherwise, resize text to fill a larger portion of the tab
doc.resizeCanvas(doc.width, (orgHeight + orgWidth*.04), AnchorPosition.TOPCENTER);
layer.translate(undefined, new UnitValue(0-layer.bounds[1].as('px'),'px'));
layer.translate(undefined, orgHeight);
layer.translate(undefined, (orgWidth*.02-((layer.bounds[3]-layer.bounds[1])/2.3)));
var layerWidth = Number(layer.bounds[2] - layer.bounds[0]);
var dX = (orgWidth - layerWidth) / 2 - Number(layer.bounds[0]);
layer.translate(dX, undefined);
doc.flatten(); //flatten the text into the photo
app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
这是我为这种场合编写的一个方便的函数。文本居中对齐,但您可以对其进行调整。 (我会包括那部分功能,但它看起来像 IF spaghetti)
var x = (app.activeDocument.width.value)/2;
var y = (app.activeDocument.height.value)/2;
createText("Arial-BoldMT", 10.0, 255,255,255, "Gwen Stefanni is bananas", x, y)
// function CREATE TEXT(typeface, size, R, G, B, text content, text X pos, text Y pos)
// --------------------------------------------------------
function createText(fface, size, colR, colG, colB, content, tX, tY)
// Add a new layer in the new document
var artLayerRef = app.activeDocument.artLayers.add()
// Specify that the layer is a text layer
artLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT
//This section defines the color of the hello world text
textColor = new SolidColor(); = colR; = colG; = colB;
//Get a reference to the text item so that we can add the text and format it a bit
textItemRef = artLayerRef.textItem
textItemRef.font = fface;
textItemRef.contents = content;
textItemRef.color = textColor;
textItemRef.size = size
textItemRef.position = new Array(tX, tY) //pixels from the left, pixels from the top
var just = Justification.CENTER;
activeDocument.activeLayer.textItem.justification = just;
我创建了一个 photoshop 动作,可以将一串白色文本添加到照片中。在此操作中,我编写了一个脚本,用于扩展 canvas 大小并调整额外 canvas space 中的文本大小以适合图像的尺寸,创建 'text tab'照片。但是,在执行动作和脚本之后,选项卡中的文本颜色往往……不是白色。
#target photoshop
var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.INCHES;
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var layer = doc.activeLayer;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
//create the color for the tab extension
var black = new SolidColor();
black.rgb.hexValue = "111111";
app.backgroundColor = black;
//*****************************FOR EXTENDING CANVAS AND POSITIONING/RESIZING THE TEXT LAYER*********************************
var orgWidth = doc.width;
var orgHeight = doc.height;
if(orgWidth>orgHeight) //if document is landscape, resize text to fill a smaller portion of the tab
doc.resizeCanvas(doc.width, (orgHeight + orgWidth*.04), AnchorPosition.TOPCENTER);
layer.translate(undefined, new UnitValue(0-layer.bounds[1].as('px'),'px'));
layer.translate(undefined, orgHeight);
layer.translate(undefined, (orgWidth*.02-((layer.bounds[3]-layer.bounds[1])/2.3)));
else //otherwise, resize text to fill a larger portion of the tab
doc.resizeCanvas(doc.width, (orgHeight + orgWidth*.04), AnchorPosition.TOPCENTER);
layer.translate(undefined, new UnitValue(0-layer.bounds[1].as('px'),'px'));
layer.translate(undefined, orgHeight);
layer.translate(undefined, (orgWidth*.02-((layer.bounds[3]-layer.bounds[1])/2.3)));
var layerWidth = Number(layer.bounds[2] - layer.bounds[0]);
var dX = (orgWidth - layerWidth) / 2 - Number(layer.bounds[0]);
layer.translate(dX, undefined);
doc.flatten(); //flatten the text into the photo
app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
您编写文本添加代码可能更容易。 这是我为这种场合编写的一个方便的函数。文本居中对齐,但您可以对其进行调整。 (我会包括那部分功能,但它看起来像 IF spaghetti)
var x = (app.activeDocument.width.value)/2;
var y = (app.activeDocument.height.value)/2;
createText("Arial-BoldMT", 10.0, 255,255,255, "Gwen Stefanni is bananas", x, y)
// function CREATE TEXT(typeface, size, R, G, B, text content, text X pos, text Y pos)
// --------------------------------------------------------
function createText(fface, size, colR, colG, colB, content, tX, tY)
// Add a new layer in the new document
var artLayerRef = app.activeDocument.artLayers.add()
// Specify that the layer is a text layer
artLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT
//This section defines the color of the hello world text
textColor = new SolidColor(); = colR; = colG; = colB;
//Get a reference to the text item so that we can add the text and format it a bit
textItemRef = artLayerRef.textItem
textItemRef.font = fface;
textItemRef.contents = content;
textItemRef.color = textColor;
textItemRef.size = size
textItemRef.position = new Array(tX, tY) //pixels from the left, pixels from the top
var just = Justification.CENTER;
activeDocument.activeLayer.textItem.justification = just;