如何使用预定义的 clusters/classes 执行层次聚类?

How to perform hierarchical clustering with predifined clusters/classes?

我有一个数据库,我对其进行了层次聚类(使用 agnes())并且运行良好(我按照此处描述的方式进行操作:https://uc-r.github.io/hc_clustering。现在我想比较人造聚类或 类 在数据库中与层次聚类找到的那些。我想我可以用 tanglegram() 来做到这一点。 当我已经有组时,我不知道如何生成树状图/进行层次聚类。我如何告诉 R 关于这些组的信息? 如果您能有条不紊地回答这个问题,那就太好了。 `

great <- data.frame(c0=c("r1","r2","r3","r4","r5","r6"),c1=c("0.89","46","0","0.56","12","0"),c2=c("0","0.45","45","79","0.45","4.4"))

#euclidean distance

great_dist <- dist(great)

#agglomerative with agnes()
#wards minimizes total within cluster variance
#minimum between-cluster-distance is merged

hc1_wards <- agnes(great,method ="ward")
 #agglomerative coefficient

hc1_wards_plot <- pltree(hc1_wards, cex = 0.6, hang = -1, main = "Dendrogram\nagglomerative clustering",labels=F) 

#cutting into a specific amount of clusters

#average silhouette method

fviz_nbclust(great, FUN = hcut, method = "silhouette")

# Cut tree into 2 groups

great_grp <-
agnes(great, method = "ward")
great_grp_cut <- cutree(as.hclust(great), k = 2)

#using the cutree output to add the cluster each observation belongs to sub

great_cluster <- mutate(great,cluster = great_grp_cut)  

#evaluating goodness of cluster with dunn()
#with count() how many obs. in one cluster


dunn <- clValid::dunn(distance = great_dist,clusters = great_grp_cut)


第 1、2、4 和 3、5、6 行是人造星团。

cl1 <- great[c(1,2,4), ]
cl2 <- great[c(3,5,6, ]

我想比较层次聚类和人工聚类。我如何使用人工聚类执行树状图以便将它们与 tenglegram() 进行比较。还有其他方法可以比较它们吗?

要直观地比较集群,您可以使用 WGCNA 包中的 plotDendroAndColors() 函数。该函数只是显示树状图下每个对象的自定义颜色信息。

我无法重现您的示例(未指定您在代码中使用的包),因此我使用 iris 数据集的简单聚类来演示:


fit     <- hclust(dist(iris[,-5]), method="ward")
groups  <- cutree(fit, 3)
manmade <- as.numeric(iris$Species)

plotDendroAndColors(fit, cbind(clusters=labels2colors(groups), manmade=labels2colors(manmade)))


fit <- as.dendrogram(hc1_wards)
plotDendroAndColors(fit, cbind(clusters=labels2colors(groups), manmade=labels2colors(manmade)))