JS - window.history - 删除状态

JS - window.history - Delete a state

使用 html5 window.history API,我可以很好地控制我的网络应用程序上的导航。

该应用目前有两种状态:selectDate(1) 和 enterDetails(2)。

应用程序加载时,我 replaceState 并设置 popState 侦听器:

window.onpopstate = function(event) {

选择日期并且应用程序移至阶段2 i将状态2推到堆栈上:



可以通过三种方式离开第 2 阶段:

后退按钮由 popstate 侦听器处理。取消按钮 按下 阶段 1,以便用户可以返回到他们输入后退按钮的详细信息。这些都很好用。

保存按钮应恢复到阶段 1 并且不允许用户导航回详细信息页面(因为他们已经提交了)。基本的,它应该使历史堆栈长度为 1。

但是好像没有history.delete(),或者history.merge()。我能做的最好的是 history.replaceState(stage1) 它将历史堆栈保留为:["selectDate","selectDate"].




history.back(); //moves history to the correct position
location.href = "#foo"; // successfully removes ability to go 'forward', 
                       // but also adds another layer to the history stack

这使得历史堆栈成为 ["selectDate","selectDate#foo"]

那么,作为替代方案,有没有办法在不推送新状态的情况下删除 'forward' 历史记录?


我一直在研究的一个选择是在 JavaScript 中自己处理历史记录,并使用 window.history 对象作为各种载体。

基本上,当页面首次加载时,您创建自定义历史记录对象(我们将在此处使用数组,但使用对您的情况有意义的任何内容),然后执行初始 pushState。我会将您的自定义历史记录对象作为状态对象传递,因为如果您还需要处理用户离开您的应用程序并稍后返回的情况,它可能会派上用场。

var myHistory = [];

function pageLoad() {
    window.history.pushState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

    //Load page data.

现在,当您导航时,您可以添加到您自己的历史对象(或者不添加 - 历史现在掌握在您手中!)并使用 replaceState 让浏览器远离循环。

function nav_to_details() {
    window.history.replaceState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

    //Load page data.

当用户向后导航时,他们会触发您的 "base" 状态(您的状态对象将为空),您可以根据自定义历史对象处理导航。之后,您执行另一个 pushState。

function on_popState() {
    // Note that some browsers fire popState on initial load,
    // so you should check your state object and handle things accordingly.
    // (I did not do that in these examples!)

    if (myHistory.length > 0) {
        var pg = myHistory.pop();
        window.history.pushState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

        //Load page data for "pg".
    } else {
        //No "history" - let them exit or keep them in the app.


从浏览器的角度来看,每次他们去 "back",他们立即又向前推进。

从用户的角度来看,他们可以在页面中向后导航但不能向前导航(基本上模拟智能手机 "page stack" 型号)。

从开发人员的角度来看,您现在可以高度控制用户如何在您的应用程序中导航,同时仍然允许他们使用浏览器上熟悉的导航按钮。您可以根据需要从历史链中的任何位置 add/remove 项。如果您在历史数组中使用对象,您还可以跟踪有关页面的额外信息(如字段内容等)。

如果您需要处理用户启动的导航(例如用户在基于散列的导航方案中更改 URL),那么您可能会使用稍微不同的方法,例如...

var myHistory = [];

function pageLoad() {
    // When the user first hits your page...
    // Check the state to see what's going on.

    if (window.history.state === null) {
        // If the state is null, this is a NEW navigation,
        //    the user has navigated to your page directly (not using back/forward).

        // First we establish a "back" page to catch backward navigation.
            { isBackPage: true },

        // Then push an "app" page on top of that - this is where the user will sit.
        // (As browsers vary, it might be safer to put this in a short setTimeout).
            { isBackPage: false },

        // We also need to start our history tracking.


    // If the state is NOT null, then the user is returning to our app via history navigation.

    // (Load up the page based on the last entry of myHistory here)

    if (window.history.state.isBackPage) {
        // If the user came into our app via the back page,
        //     you can either push them forward one more step or just use pushState as above.

        // or window.history.pushState({ isBackPage: false }, "<name>", "<url>");

    setTimeout(function() {
        // Add our popstate event listener - doing it here should remove
        //     the issue of dealing with the browser firing it on initial page load.
        window.addEventListener("popstate", on_popstate);
    }, 100);

function on_popstate(e) {
    if (e.state === null) {
        // If there's no state at all, then the user must have navigated to a new hash.

        // <Look at what they've done, maybe by reading the hash from the URL>
        // <Change/load the new page and push it onto the myHistory stack>
        // <Alternatively, ignore their navigation attempt by NOT loading anything new or adding to myHistory>

        // Undo what they've done (as far as navigation) by kicking them backwards to the "app" page

        // Optionally, you can throw another replaceState in here, e.g. if you want to change the visible URL.
        // This would also prevent them from using the "forward" button to return to the new hash.
            { isBackPage: false },
            "<new name>",
            "<new url>"
    } else {
        if (e.state.isBackPage) {
            // If there is state and it's the 'back' page...

            if (myHistory.length > 0) {
                // Pull/load the page from our custom history...
                var pg = myHistory.pop();
                // <load/render/whatever>

                // And push them to our "app" page again
                    { isBackPage: false },
            } else {
                // No more history - let them exit or keep them in the app.

        // Implied 'else' here - if there is state and it's NOT the 'back' page
        //     then we can ignore it since we're already on the page we want.
        //     (This is the case when we push the user back with window.history.go(-1) above)


您可以尝试通过在自己的记忆中模拟历史并在每次发出 window popstate 事件时调用 history.pushState 来绕过它(由 提出) ,但它有很多缺点,会导致比在动态 Web 应用程序中完全不支持浏览器历史记录更糟糕的用户体验,因为:

  • popstate 事件可能会在用户回到过去 ~2-3 个状态时发生
  • popstate 事件可以在用户前进时发生

因此,即使您尝试通过构建虚拟历史来绕过它,它也很可能会导致您拥有空白历史状态的情况(进入 back/forward 什么都不做),或者在哪里back/forward 会完全跳过您的一些历史状态。


var ismobilescreen = $(window).width() < 480;
var backhistory_pushed = false;

$('.editbtn').click( function()
    // push to browser history, so back button will close the editor 
    // and not navigate away from site
    if (ismobilescreen && !backhistory_pushed)
        window.history.pushState('forward', null, window.location);
        backhistory_pushed = true;


if (window.history && window.history.pushState) 
    $(window).on('popstate', function() 
        if (ismobilescreen && backhistory_pushed && $('.editor').is(':visible'))
            // hide editor window (we initiate a click on the cancel button)
            $('.editor:visible .cancelbtn').click();
            backhistory_pushed = false;


  1. 用户打开编辑器DIV,历史状态被保存。
  2. 用户点击后退按钮,历史状态被考虑在内。
  3. 用户停留在页面上!
  4. 编辑器 DIV 已关闭,而不是返回导航。

一个问题:如果您在 DIV 上使用“取消”按钮并且这会隐藏编辑器,则用户必须点击手机的后退按钮两次才能返回到上一个 URL.



$('.btn-cancel').click( function() 
    if (ismobilescreen && backhistory_pushed)

或者,您可以将 URL 推入包含锚点的历史记录中,例如#editor 是否在最近URL 是否存在anchor 是否推送历史