如何将 List<B> 添加到对象 A,其中 List<B> 是 class A 的一部分

How to add List<B> to Object A, where List<B> is part of class A

我有两个 类 客户和产品,如下所示。我正在从数据库获取数据并将其读入 SqlDataReader。从那里我必须把它读给客户对象。我们将为每个客户提供多种产品。在这里,我必须将 Product 对象添加到 Customer 对象(我们可能为每个客户提供多种产品。请​​提出任何建议......最好的方法是什么?

public class Customer
    public int CustomerId {get;set;}
    public string Name {get;set;}
    public List<Products> _products {get;set;}      

public class Products
    public int CustomerId {get;set;}
    public int ProductId {get;set;}
    public string Name {get;set;}
    public int Quantity {get;set;} 

    var _customer = new Customer{
        CustomerId = (int)rdr["CustomerId"];
        Name = (string)rdr["CustomerName"];
        City    = (string)rdr["City"];

    var _product = new Products
        CustomerId = (int)rdr["CustomerId"];
        ProductId = (int)rdr["ProductId"];
        Name = (string)rdr["ProductName"];
        Quantity = (int)["Quantity"];
public List<Customer> GetCustomers(SqlConnection conn) {
  using (conn);
  SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("your_query;",conn);
  // your query must return in order
  // customerId, customerName, city, productId, productName, quantity
  SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

  var customers = new List<Customer>();
  var products = new List<Product>();

  while (reader.Read()) {  
    var customerId = reader.GetInt32(0);
    var customer = new Customer() {
      CustomerId = customerId,
      Name = reader.GetString(1),
      City    = reader.GetString(2)

    var existing = customers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId).FirstOrDefault();
    if (existing == null) {

    var product = new Products
      CustomerId = customerId,
      ProductId = reader.GetInt32(3),
      Name = reader.GetString(4),
      Quantity = reader.GetInt32(5)

  return customers.ForEach(item => {
     item.Products = products.Where(x => x.customerId == item.CustomerId).ToList();

How to use DataReader

如评论中所述,您需要使用 CustomerId 作为键将他们放入字典中,以跟踪您已经见过的客户。这是基本方法:

对于您读取的每条记录,首先从 reader 中获取 CustomerId 并检查该客户是否已经在字典中。如果是,则从字典中获取该客户对象;否则,从 reader 创建一个新客户并将其添加到字典中。然后,从 reader 中获取产品数据,创建一个新产品并将该产品添加到客户的产品列表中。


var customersById = new Dictionary<int, Customer>();

while (reader.Read())
    int customerId = (int)reader["CustomerId"];
    Customer customer;
    if (!customersById.TryGetValue(customerId, out customer))
        customer = new Customer
            CustomerId = customerId,
            Name = (string)reader["CustomerName"],
            City = (string)reader["City"],
            Products = new List<Product>()
        customersById.Add(customerId, customer);
    Product product = new Product
        CustomerId = customerId,
        ProductId = (int)reader["ProductId"],
        Name = (string)reader["ProductName"],
        Quantity = (int)reader["Quantity"]


Console.WriteLine("Product list by customer:\n");
foreach (Customer cust in customersById.Values)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}) {1} of {2}", cust.CustomerId, cust.Name, cust.City));
    foreach (Product prod in cust.Products)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\t{0}) {1} (qty {2})", prod.ProductId, prod.Name, prod.Quantity));

Fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/iO9vdM