Indentation error: expected an indented block ,in python

Indentation error: expected an indented block ,in python

最近开始学习使用 python,我正在尝试制作一个基本的基于文​​本的游戏,我 运行 遇到一个函数定义的小问题,它说有elif 语句 (elif hit_c == 1) 的缩进错误,(另请注意,我已经导入了所有需要的库并在函数中定义了所有变量)

def damage(x):
    """ This function will determine the amount of damage you will take """
    """ hit_c is the chance the enemy has to hit you """
    global User_HP
    global Enemy_HP

    hit_c = randint(1,5)
    User_damage = randint(1,4)

    if hit_c >= 2:
        Enemy_HP -= User_damage
        print(f"You dealt {User_damage} damage!")
        if Enemy_HP < 0:

    elif hit_c == 1:
        print("You missed!")

    hit_c = randint(1,5)
    Enemy_damage = randint(1,3)

    if hit_c >= 2:
        User_HP -= Enemy_damage
        print(f"You took {Enemy_damage} damage!")



    if Enemy_HP < 0:

elif hit_c == 1:

您忘记完成第一行的 if 语句。