如何使用 Naudio 获取 MIDI 事件的实时时间

How to get the real time of a midi event using Naudio

我正在尝试阅读 midi 音符并使用 NAudio 库提取每个音符的实时时间 我写了这段代码,但它没有正确计算时间,我使用了一个我找到的公式 here ((note.AbsTime - lastTempoEvent.AbsTime) / midi.ticksPerQuarterNote) * tempo + lastTempoEvent.RealTime


    var strictMode = false;
    var mf = new MidiFile("Assets/Audios/Evangelion Midi.mid", strictMode);
    mf.Events.MidiFileType = 0;
    List<MidiEvent> midiNotes = new List<MidiEvent>();
    List<TempoEvent> tempoEvents = new List<TempoEvent>();

    for (int n = 0; n < mf.Tracks; n++)
        foreach (var midiEvent in mf.Events[n])
            if (!MidiEvent.IsNoteOff(midiEvent))

                TempoEvent tempoE;
                try { tempoE = (TempoEvent)midiEvent; tempoEvents.Add(tempoE);

                    Debug.Log("Absolute Time " + tempoE.AbsoluteTime);

                catch { }


    notesArray = midiNotes.ToArray();
    tempoEventsArr = tempoEvents.ToArray();

    eventsTimesArr = new float[notesArray.Length];
    eventsTimesArr[0] = 0;

    for (int i = 1; i < notesArray.Length; i++)
        ((notesArray[i].AbsoluteTime - tempoEventsArr[tempoEventsArr.Length - 1].AbsoluteTime) / mf.DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote)
            * tempoEventsArr[tempoEventsArr.Length - 1].MicrosecondsPerQuarterNote + eventsTimesArr[i-1];


我得到这些 values 显然不正确



参考代码中的 note.AbsTime - lastTempoEvent.AbsTime 部分在您这边实施不正确。

此代码中的 lastTempoEvent 变量不能表示 MIDI 文件中的最后速度变化(因为您已经使用 notesArray[i].AbsoluteTime - tempoEventsArr[tempoEventsArr.Length - 1].AbsoluteTime 实现了它)。

引用的代码试图做的是在您的代码减去整个 MIDI 文件中最新速度变化的绝对时间。这是负数的根本原因(如果在当前音符之后有任何速度变化)。

旁注:我还建议保留音符关闭事件的时间。如果您不知道笔记何时发布,您如何关闭它? 试试这个。我测试了它并且它有效。请仔细阅读内联评论。


static void CalculateMidiRealTimes()
    var strictMode = false;
    var mf = new MidiFile("C:\Windows\Media\onestop.mid", strictMode);
    mf.Events.MidiFileType = 0;

    // Have just one collection for both non-note-off and tempo change events
    List<MidiEvent> midiEvents = new List<MidiEvent>();

    for (int n = 0; n < mf.Tracks; n++)
        foreach (var midiEvent in mf.Events[n])
            if (!MidiEvent.IsNoteOff(midiEvent))

                // Instead of causing stack unwinding with try/catch,
                // we just test if the event is of type TempoEvent
                if (midiEvent is TempoEvent)
                    Debug.Write("Absolute Time " + (midiEvent as TempoEvent).AbsoluteTime);

    // Now we have only one collection of both non-note-off and tempo events
    // so we cannot be sure of the size of the time values array.
    // Just employ a List<float>
    List<float> eventsTimesArr = new List<float>();

    // we introduce this variable to keep track of the tempo changes
    // during play, which affects the timing of all the notes coming
    // after it.
    TempoEvent lastTempoChange = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < midiEvents.Count; i++)
        MidiEvent midiEvent = midiEvents[i];
        TempoEvent tempoEvent = midiEvent as TempoEvent;

        if (tempoEvent != null)
            lastTempoChange = tempoEvent;
            // Remove the tempo event to make events and timings match - index-wise
            // Do not add to the eventTimes

        if (lastTempoChange == null)
            // If we haven't come accross a tempo change yet,
            // set the time to zero.

        // This is the correct formula for calculating the real time of the event
        // in microseconds:
        var realTimeValue =
            ((midiEvent.AbsoluteTime - lastTempoChange.AbsoluteTime) / mf.DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote)
            lastTempoChange.MicrosecondsPerQuarterNote + eventsTimesArr[eventsTimesArr.Count - 1];

        // Add the time to the collection.

        Debug.WriteLine("Time for {0} is: {1}", midiEvents.ToString(), realTimeValue);



计算实时时的除法是 int/float,当事件之间的滴答声小于每个四分音符的增量滴答声时,结果为零。

下面是使用精度最好的数字类型 decimal 计算值的正确方法。

midi 歌曲 onestop.mid İS 4:08(248 秒)长,我们​​的最终事件实时时间是 247.3594906770833

static void CalculateMidiRealTimes()
    var strictMode = false;
    var mf = new MidiFile("C:\Windows\Media\onestop.mid", strictMode);
    mf.Events.MidiFileType = 0;

    // Have just one collection for both non-note-off and tempo change events
    List<MidiEvent> midiEvents = new List<MidiEvent>();

    for (int n = 0; n < mf.Tracks; n++)
        foreach (var midiEvent in mf.Events[n])
            if (!MidiEvent.IsNoteOff(midiEvent))

                // Instead of causing stack unwinding with try/catch,
                // we just test if the event is of type TempoEvent
                if (midiEvent is TempoEvent)
                    Debug.Write("Absolute Time " + (midiEvent as TempoEvent).AbsoluteTime);

    // Switch to decimal from float.
    // decimal has 28-29 digits percision
    // while float has only 6-9
    // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/floating-point-numeric-types

    // Now we have only one collection of both non-note-off and tempo events
    // so we cannot be sure of the size of the time values array.
    // Just employ a List<float>
    List<decimal> eventsTimesArr = new List<decimal>();

    // Keep track of the last absolute time and last real time because
    // tempo events also can occur "between" events
    // which can cause incorrect times when calculated using AbsoluteTime
    decimal lastRealTime = 0m;
    decimal lastAbsoluteTime = 0m;

    // instead of keeping the tempo event itself, and
    // instead of multiplying every time, just keep
    // the current value for microseconds per tick
    decimal currentMicroSecondsPerTick = 0m;

    for (int i = 0; i < midiEvents.Count; i++)
        MidiEvent midiEvent = midiEvents[i];
        TempoEvent tempoEvent = midiEvent as TempoEvent;

        // Just append to last real time the microseconds passed
        // since the last event (DeltaTime * MicroSecondsPerTick
        if (midiEvent.AbsoluteTime > lastAbsoluteTime)
            lastRealTime += ((decimal)midiEvent.AbsoluteTime - lastAbsoluteTime) * currentMicroSecondsPerTick;

        lastAbsoluteTime = midiEvent.AbsoluteTime;

        if (tempoEvent != null)
            // Recalculate microseconds per tick
            currentMicroSecondsPerTick = (decimal)tempoEvent.MicrosecondsPerQuarterNote / (decimal)mf.DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote;

            // Remove the tempo event to make events and timings match - index-wise
            // Do not add to the eventTimes

        // Add the time to the collection.

        Debug.WriteLine("Time for {0} is: {1}", midiEvent, lastRealTime / 1000000m);