Nexmo Voice API - 连接两个用户并为每个用户播放不同的通话动作

Nexmo Voice API - connect two users and play a different talk action to each user

我正在使用 POST


我将这个 NCCO 传递给客户播放谈话 Hello customer, please wait while we connect you 并连接到销售人员 (SALESPERSON_PHONE_NUMBER)。

我想做的是只在销售人员回答时与他们进行不同的谈话,比如 outbound call to customer for Example Company

        "action": "talk",
        "text": "Hello customer, please wait while we connect you."
        "action": "connect",
        "timeout": 20,
        "from": "MY_NEXMO_PHONE_NUMBER",
        "endpoint": [
                "type": "phone",
                "number": "SALESPERSON_PHONE_NUMBER"


您似乎想在 connect 操作中使用 onAnswer 功能

A JSON object containing a required url key. The URL serves an NCCO to execute in the number being connected to, before that call is joined to your existing conversation.

        "action": "talk",
        "text": "Hello customer, please wait while we connect you."
        "action": "connect",
        "timeout": 20,
        "from": "MY_NEXMO_PHONE_NUMBER",
        "endpoint": [
                "type": "phone",
                "number": "SALESPERSON_PHONE_NUMBER",
                "onAnswer": {"url": ""}

然后在,你 return 一个包含 talk 动作的 NCCO

connect NCCO 操作有一个 onAnswer 选项。来自文档:

onAnswer - A JSON object containing a required url key. The URL serves an NCCO to execute in the number being connected to, before that call is joined to your existing conversation. Optionally, the ringbackTone key can be specified with a URL value that points to a ringbackTone to be played back on repeat to the caller, so they do not hear just silence. The ringbackTone will automatically stop playing when the call is fully connected. Example: {"url":"", "ringbackTone":"" }. Please note, the key ringback is still supported.

因此,如果您将 NCCO 更改为如下所示,销售人员将在第二个 NCCO 中听到通话动作,而来电者会听到音乐。

        "action": "talk",
        "text": "Hello customer, please wait while we connect you."
        "action": "connect",
        "timeout": 20,
        "from": "MY_NEXMO_PHONE_NUMBER",
        "endpoint": [
                "type": "phone",
                "number": "SALESPERSON_PHONE_NUMBER",
                "onAnswer": {

        "action": "talk",
        "text": "Hello salesperson, please wait while we connect you."