如何通过 AWS Step Functions 和 AWS SNS 发布到 android

How to publish to android via AWS Step Functions and AWS SNS

我正在尝试通过 AWS Step Functions 和 AWS SNS 推送到 Android phones。

我可以在调试控制台中看到通知,但它没有出现。我如何正确格式化消息?我尝试了几种组合,但 none 奏效了。

"Publish notification": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sns:publish",
      "Parameters": {
        "Message": {
          "default": "TestTestTest",
          "GCM": {
            "data": {
              "message": "Sample message for Android endpoints"
          "Input": "Hello from Step Functions!"
        "MessageStructure": "json",
        "TargetArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:xxxxxxxxx:endpoint/GCM/android/xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Next": "next state"

如果直接通过 SNS 发送,通知会在 phone 上正确显示:

"GCM": "{ \"data\": { \"message\": \"Sample message for Android endpoints\" } }"

我还尝试了 Step Functions 编辑器中的代码示例:

"Message": {
  "Input": "Hello from Step Functions!"

对于 FCM 推送通知,支持两种类型的 message types ,即“数据”或“通知”。

查看您的消息负载,我发现您使用的消息类型为 "data"。这意味着:

“data" messages are not automatically handled by the FCM SDKs and will not be delivered to the notification center automatically therefore the clients' need to handle this type of messages.


您需要使用类型为 notification 的消息负载,因为您希望推送通知出现在最终用户设备上。请参阅我编写的示例状态机定义:

"StartAt": "Publish to SNS",
"States": {
  "Publish to SNS": {
    "Type": "Task",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sns:publish",
    "Parameters": {
      "TargetArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:xxxxxxx:endpoint/GCM/AWSNS-Android/xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx",
      "MessageStructure": "json",
      "Message": {"GCM": "{ \"notification\": { \"body\": \"sample test push\" } }"}
    "End": true
